Упражнение 65 на лексическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на лексическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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The Excitement of Working in Broadcasting

Keen competition is expected for many jobs in Radio and Television Broadcasting due to the large number of jobseekers attracted by the glamour of this industry. Many entry-level positions are at smaller stations, where an __EMPLOY__ may perform several different job functions.

Except for news, relatively few workers in this industry are involved in the ___PRODUCE___ of television programs because most are pre-recorded by the motion picture industry.

Most people in this industry work in clean, comfortable ___SURROUND___ in broadcast stations and studios. Some work outside the broadcast studio, however, under less favourable conditions.

News teams made up of reporters, camera operators, and technicians travel in electronic news gathering trucks to ___VARY___ locations to cover news stories. Although such location work is exciting, assignments such as reporting on natural disasters may present danger. These assignments may also require outdoor work under adverse weather conditions.

News, programming, and engineering employees work under a great deal of stress in order to meet deadlines. As a result, these workers are more likely to experience erratic work schedules than are sales and ___ADMINISTRATE___ workers.

For many people, the excitement of working in broadcasting compensates for the demanding nature of the jobs. Although this industry is noted for its high ___PRESS___, the work is not hazardous.

The Excitement of Working in Broadcasting

Keen competition is expected for many jobs in Radio and Television Broadcasting due to the large number of jobseekers attracted by the glamour of this industry. Many entry-level positions are at smaller stations, where an EMPLOYEE may perform several different job functions.

Except for news, relatively few workers in this industry are involved in the PRODUCTION of television programs because most are pre-recorded by the motion picture industry.

Most people in this industry work in clean, comfortable SURROUNDINGS in broadcast stations and studios. Some work outside the broadcast studio, however, under less favourable conditions.

News teams made up of reporters, camera operators, and technicians travel in electronic news gathering trucks to VARIOUS locations to cover news stories. Although such location work is exciting, assignments such as reporting on natural disasters may present danger. These assignments may also require outdoor work under adverse weather conditions.

News, programming, and engineering employees work under a great deal of stress in order to meet deadlines. As a result, these workers are more likely to experience erratic work schedules than are sales and ADMINISTRATIVE workers.

For many people, the excitement of working in broadcasting compensates for the demanding nature of the jobs. Although this industry is noted for its high PRESSURE, the work is not hazardous.