Упражнение 62 на лексическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на лексическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Extreme Sports

There are thousands of reasons why people go in for sport and the most common of them are money, __POPULAR__ and fitness.

Another reason is a desire to get an adrenaline rush because some sports may be really __DANGER__.

Young people, __ESPECIAL__ teenagers, go to extremes because they are bored with the traditional way of life. So extreme sports have become part of youth’s culture.

Teens from all parts of the world practise extreme sports even though these activities are often __SAFE__ and any mistake could result in an injury or even death.

Certain versions of extreme sports require proper training, while others can be performed without __PROFESSION__ guidance.

While the trend continues, you can expect to see a greater __VARY__ of extreme sports available. You may even invent an extreme sport of your own.

Extreme Sports

There are thousands of reasons why people go in for sport and the most common of them are money, POPULARITY and fitness.

Another reason is a desire to get an adrenaline rush because some sports may be really DANGEROUS.

Young people, SPECIALLY teenagers, go to extremes because they are bored with the traditional way of life. So extreme sports have become part of youth’s culture.

Teens from all parts of the world practise extreme sports even though these activities are often UNSAFE and any mistake could result in an injury or even death.

Certain versions of extreme sports require proper training, while others can be performed without PROFESSIONAL guidance.

While the trend continues, you can expect to see a greater VARIETY of extreme sports available. You may even invent an extreme sport of your own.