Упражнение 49 на лексическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на лексическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Teaching Arts

In an English educational system increasingly ruled by standardized tests, arts courses can seem __IMPORTANCE__. There is, however, a very good reason to teach arts in schools.

In a recent study, we found that arts programmes teach a specific set of thinking skills __RARE__ addressed elsewhere in the curriculum.

We want our children to demonstrate an __ABLE__ to solve problems and communicate effectively in today’s workplace.

To achieve that goal, school leaders should make sure the arts are __CENTRE__ to their school improvement plans.

These must not be __AIM__ or disconnected series of exercises.

We must demonstrate that the arts are subjects for sequential study and not merely an activit.

Education reform is currently a __POWER__ force. We can take advantage of it to strengthen our programs by introducing the arts in the curriculum.

Teaching Arts

In an English educational system increasingly ruled by standardized tests, arts courses can seem UNIMPORTANT. There is, however, a very good reason to teach arts in schools.

In a recent study, we found that arts programmes teach a specific set of thinking skills RARELY addressed elsewhere in the curriculum.

We want our children to demonstrate an ABILITY to solve problems and communicate effectively in today’s workplace.

To achieve that goal, school leaders should make sure the arts are CENTRAL to their school improvement plans.

These must not be AIMLESS or disconnected series of exercises.

We must demonstrate that the arts are subjects for sequential study and not merely an activit.

Education reform is currently a POWERFUL force. We can take advantage of it to strengthen our programs by introducing the arts in the curriculum.