Упражнение 25 на лексическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на лексическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами, однокоренные слова, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.


The need for change in our ( DAY ) lives and the movements of our government is the and growing. Because so many ( DIFFER ) factors come into play; voting, governmental issues, desire to stick to routine, many people don’t consider that what they do will affect future generations. If humans continue moving forward in such a ( HARM ) way towards the future, then there will be no future to consider. Although it’s true that we cannot physically stop our ozone layer from ( THIN ) (and scientists are still having trouble figuring out what is causing it exactly,) there are still so many things we can do to try put a dent in what we already know. By raising ( AWARE ) in your local community and within your families about these issues, you can help contribute to a more Environmentally conscious and ( FRIEND ) place for you to live.

The need for change in our daily lives and the movements of our government is the and growing. Because so many different factors come into play; voting, governmental issues, desire to stick to routine, many people don’t consider that what they do will affect future generations. If humans continue moving forward in such a harmful way towards the future, then there will be no future to consider. Although it’s true that we cannot physically stop our ozone layer from thinning (and scientists are still having trouble figuring out what is causing it exactly,) there are still so many things we can do to try put a dent in what we already know. By raising awareness in your local community and within your families about these issues, you can help contribute to a more Environmentally conscious and friendly place for you to live.