Упражнение 13 на лексическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на лексическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Altai mountains

Russia’s Altai mountains are situated near the country’s border with Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan. The mountain range is quite high and ( EXTREME ) difficult to cross.

The mountains were formed as a result of the Indian subcontinent pushing into southern Asia. There are many fault lines that run through the region, and although it is a rare ( OCCUR ), the region sometimes has very large earthquakes.

The name Altai means ‘golden mountain’ in the ( MONGOLIA ) language. The tallest peak is Belukha mountain, which actually has two peaks.

One of the peaks reaches a height of 4,440 metres, and the other reaches metres. The mountains are home to several glaciers, lakes and rivers, and many ( DIFFER ) types of plants and animals are found in its range of habitats.

Many species in the region have existed since the last ice age. This is because the Altai mountain range is one of the few places in the world whose climate has remained largely ( CHANGE ) since that period.

The mountain range and its surrounding area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Because of the mountains’ stunning natural beauty, the region has become quite popular with ( TOUR ).

Altai mountains

Russia’s Altai mountains are situated near the country’s border with Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan. The mountain range is quite high and EXTREMELY difficult to cross.

The mountains were formed as a result of the Indian subcontinent pushing into southern Asia. There are many fault lines that run through the region, and although it is a rare OCCURENCE, the region sometimes has very large earthquakes.

The name Altai means ‘golden mountain’ in the MONGOLIAN language. The tallest peak is Belukha mountain, which actually has two peaks.

One of the peaks reaches a height of 4,440 metres, and the other reaches metres. The mountains are home to several glaciers, lakes and rivers, and many DIFFERENT types of plants and animals are found in its range of habitats.

Many species in the region have existed since the last ice age. This is because the Altai mountain range is one of the few places in the world whose climate has remained largely UNCHANGED since that period.

The mountain range and its surrounding area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Because of the mountains’ stunning natural beauty, the region has become quite popular with TOURISTS.