Упражнение 11 на лексическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на лексическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Oases are areas where trees and plants grow around a body of water in the middle of a desert. They are ( USUAL ) phenomena because there is so little water or vegetation in desert areas.

How does the water in an oasis get there? It doesn’t come from the sky, but rather, from underneath the ground. Believe it or not, there are underground rivers and layers of rock which contain water beneath the ( SAND ) desert floor.

Pressure from underneath these water sources pushes the water to the surface. In other cases, people have drawn the water out ( ARTIFICIAL ), through the use of man-made wells.

An oasis can be quite small, only able to support a limited number of trees and to supply a little water for those who pass by. Other oases are big enough to supply considerable populations of people with ( DRINK ) water.

People who survive on oases must be very ( CARE ) with how they use the water, because they must use it to grow food as well as to drink.

Many oases have survived for years. They have been of great ( IMPORTANT ) in terms of setting up trade routes across the desert.


Oases are areas where trees and plants grow around a body of water in the middle of a desert. They are UNUSUAL phenomena because there is so little water or vegetation in desert areas.

How does the water in an oasis get there? It doesn’t come from the sky, but rather, from underneath the ground. Believe it or not, there are underground rivers and layers of rock which contain water beneath the SANDY desert floor.

Pressure from underneath these water sources pushes the water to the surface. In other cases, people have drawn the water out ARTIFICIALLY, through the use of man-made wells.

An oasis can be quite small, only able to support a limited number of trees and to supply a little water for those who pass by. Other oases are big enough to supply considerable populations of people with DRINKING water.

People who survive on oases must be very CAREFUL with how they use the water, because they must use it to grow food as well as to drink.

Many oases have survived for years. They have been of great IMPORTANCE in terms of setting up trade routes across the desert.