ЕГЭ: упражнение 80 на высказывания и утверждения

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A-G. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

Play высказывания

A. There are no real travellers any more.
В. I would prefer to stay at home.
С. Being comfortable is essential.
D. I wouldn’t go anywhere without a guidebook.
E. It is too expensive.
F. The best trips are for work or study purposes.
G. Extreme travelling is the best.

1 – F
2 – A
3 – B
4 – C
5 – D
6 – G

Speaker 1
As far as I’m concerned, the perspective you have on a city as a tourist is always unreal. You see galleries and monuments, you follow a guidebook, but there are all sorts of things you miss that the people who live in the city experience. That’s why I really enjoyed my last visit to Barcelona. I went to do a course there and so I had to get up in the morning and go to the university on the metro just like everyone else. We ate lunch in places full of office workers and students. I think you really get to know a city when you do something like that because you see how it is for the people who live there.

Speaker 2
When I was young, everyone was doing it. We left home and either hitchhiked or bought an old van and drove… often as far as India or even to Australia. Most of us didn’t really have enough money and a lot of the time it was terribly uncomfortable or even dangerous, but we really experienced the places we visited. There were no Lonely Planet or Rough Guides in those days, so information about where to stay and what to eat passed by word of mouth. As far as I’m concerned, those really were the good old days. Nowadays even young people are often on package holidays where so much is organised for you: flight, accommodation, visits. It’s just not travelling if you ask me.

Speaker 3
I did a lot of travelling when I was younger, much of it because of my job. I’ve visited every continent and most of the major capital cities. 1 loved it of course but now I really can’t be bothered. Let’s face it, travelling involves enormous expense, anxiety and physical effort. No matter how carefully you plan, you end up carrying your luggage up and down stairs in airports and railway stations and at my age it’s just too much. And then there are the hours and hours you spend in the airport. The last time I went away we were delayed and it took me 18 hours to get to where I was going. From now on, I’ve decided I’m staying put.

Speaker 4
We had a copy of a guidebook called Rough and Ready Travel and it was a bit too rough for us. In the entry for one of the places we visited they recommended two guesthouses and said they were both cheap and clean although a bit basic. Honestly, we couldn’t have possibly stayed in either of them. Maybe we’re getting soft in our old age but I really don’t enjoy travelling unless 1 can stay somewhere quite with a decent bathroom and, in hot countries like Thailand, air conditioning. If I can’t sleep at night, I’m tired the next day and that can really ruin a holiday for me. Anyway we stayed in a four-star hotel and it really wasn’t very expensive.

Speaker 5
A lot of my friends spent half their time in Internet cafes downloading information about where to stay in the next place they were visiting or trying to find out about the cheapest places to eat. But we spent our time actually seeing the cities we were visiting and we had all sorts of historical and cultural information at our fingertips as well. It was a bit heavy to carry around so we would tear out the sections that referred to the places we’d already visited and post them home. By the end of the trip, it was only about fifty pages long! It really was invaluable though. I’d always make sure I had one with me whereas I was.

Speaker 6
I packed a rucksack with water, chocolate, a plastic jacket and so on. Someone had given us a whistle because that could be used to attract attention if we were in trouble – and luckily we had that with us as well. When one guy fell and hurt his ankle, 1 tried to use the mobile phone but it wouldn’t work in the mountains. It was cold and damp but we kept warm and dry with jackets: Strangely enough, I didn’t give up hope – I wasn’t even afraid of animals. I knew someone would find us. We waited and I kept blowing on the whistle and eventually the rescue people came. Despite this, I still think that this quite extreme kind of travelling is the best way to find some new experience.

Упр. 79 | 80 | 81