Задание 42 на текст и пропущенные слова

Задание 42 на подготовку к ЕГЭ по английскому. В тексте имеются пропуски слов. Для каждого пропуска даны несколько вариантов. Определите, какой вариант верный.


Waiting for Dad

Jake was walking home from school. It was a sunny autumn day. He’d usually stamp on the PILES / BUNDLES / SACKS / FLOCKS of leaves on the footpath to hear them crunch under his shoes. But today he ignored them. He was busy planning his project.

He was used to being home alone. That was because, three years ago, his dad had decided to go back to university, which meant his mum had had to go back to working LONG-TIME / HALF-TIME / FULL-TIME / PEAK-TIME. She did a lot of evening shifts because the money was better.

Jake walked up the stairs onto the veranda and stuck his hand in his pocket for the key but it wasn’t there! Frantically, he tried the front door, knowing it would be locked, then turned around and hurried back up the footpath to see if he could find his key. He walked up the road for two blocks, STARING / SKIMMING / SCANNING / LOOKING the pavement.

It was no POINT / USE / REASON / AIM looking for it; he could have dropped it anywhere. He turned around and went home. He checked his watch. It was four o’clock and his dad would be back by seven. Jake supposed he could read the book he’d borrowed OF / AT / FROM / IN the school library for his project. The book was really good with wonderful photos of soldiers.

An hour later he finished the book and felt like having a NAP / DREAM / RELAX / SNACK but it didn’t feel right to sleep with nothing over you. So he covered his chest with the foot mat and the book was his pillow. When he woke up, the Miller sisters were standing over him, staring.
‘Why are you lying on the veranda with a foot mat over you?’ said Adele.
‘It’s NOTHING / NOT / NEITHER / NONE of your business’, Jake thought.

Waiting for Dad

Jake was walking home from school. It was a sunny autumn day. He’d usually stamp on the PILES of leaves on the footpath to hear them crunch under his shoes. But today he ignored them. He was busy planning his project.

He was used to being home alone. That was because, three years ago, his dad had decided to go back to university, which meant his mum had had to go back to working FULL-TIME. She did a lot of evening shifts because the money was better.

Jake walked up the stairs onto the veranda and stuck his hand in his pocket for the key but it wasn’t there! Frantically, he tried the front door, knowing it would be locked, then turned around and hurried back up the footpath to see if he could find his key. He walked up the road for two blocks, SCANNING the pavement.

It was no USE looking for it; he could have dropped it anywhere. He turned around and went home. He checked his watch. It was four o’clock and his dad would be back by seven. Jake supposed he could read the book he’d borrowed FROM the school library for his project. The book was really good with wonderful photos of soldiers.

An hour later he finished the book and felt like having a NAP but it didn’t feel right to sleep with nothing over you. So he covered his chest with the foot mat and the book was his pillow. When he woke up, the Miller sisters were standing over him, staring.
‘Why are you lying on the veranda with a foot mat over you?’ said Adele.
‘It’s NONE of your business’, Jake thought.