ЕГЭ – диалог (интервью) 33 с вопросами и выбором ответов

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1. In his course Steven Roberts uses original films with
1) original subtitles.
2) no subtitles.
3) English subtitles.

2. What language input does Steven’s course comprise?
1) Slang free language.
2) Modern language.
3) Traditional word lists.

3. Steven designed his film-based course because
1) people have problems watching TV abroad.
2) films reflect real life communication.
3) watching films is the most popular hobby.

4. What activity does Steven NOT mention as a part of his course?
1) Grammar exercises.
2) Audio tasks.
3) Essay writing.

5. What kind of learners does Steven aim his course at?
1) Any level.
2) Top level.
3) Lower level.

6. How can one get Steven’s book on his film-based course?
1) Order by post.
2) Download for free from the Internet.
3) Buy in a book shop.

7. One of the advantages of a movie club, according to Steven, is that it
1) helps one find new friends.
2) gives a chance to watch new films.
3) is not expensive.

1 – 1
2 – 2
3 – 2
4 – 3
5 – 2
6 – 3
7 – 3

Presenter: With us in the studio today we have Steven Roberts, a world-recognized expert in teaching foreign languages. Good afternoon, Steven.
Steven Roberts: Good afternoon.
Presenter: Steven, everybody wants to speak at least one foreign language. You are constantly in search of new effective ways of teaching a foreign language. What are the most modern ways of improving one’s language skills independently?
Steven Roberts: There are many methods indeed, but the thing I am presently researching is using films as a teacher. Many people feel like watching the original version of a foreign movie they liked. What I offer is a unique educational programme accompanied by the original film in the original language with original subtitles. Our programme is run entirely in a foreign language and instead of classics it introduces slang expressions, new vocabulary, modern grammar, listening comprehension practice as well as comments by native speakers to the audience.
Presenter: That sounds really innovative! Can you please tell us how this idea crossed your mind?
Steven Roberts: Well, when you start communicating with native speakers in a foreign language, you soon decide you are fluent and you have almost accomplished your goal of true bilingualism. However, as soon as you watch a movie in a foreign language, you feel lost. Films are difficult to understand precisely because they are so real world, at least from a linguistic perspective. This may make watching original films very frustrating even for advanced speakers of any language, but the fact remains that there is probably no better source of linguistic input than a good film, if, paradoxically, you could just understand what is being said.
Presenter: It seems to me though, not every learner may find this programme appropriate.
Steven Roberts: True. Movies are a good tool for fluent students. They are ideal for those language learners who fall into the linguistic zone of frustrated fluency discussed earlier. They are designed for upper level learners for the simple reason that they will be most effective as learning tools if you can already understand the language well enough to generally hear where one word ends and another begins. For lower level students, like pre-intermediate or elementary, I would advise to watch films, but not authentic, of course.
Presenter: If a person cannot take part in your programme, but still wants to try using films in their studies, what could you recommend?
Steven Roberts: Find a group of like-minded people and start a film club! The goals of such a club can be to help maintain your language proficiency and to upgrade it as well to give you a chance to enjoy original movies! In 2002 I developed a methodology called “Foreign Languages through Films and Media” which is a copyright and can be got in bookstores or via Internet and used for your club’s shows. Apart from this inexpensive book and some DVDs you will not need anything — well, of course you will need a place where to meet, watch films and discuss them.
Presenter: For those who would like to join your programme after the interview, will you please give some contact details?
Steven Roberts: Certainly.

Упр. 32 | 33 | 34