Задание 28 на подготовку к ЕГЭ по английскому. В тексте имеются пропуски слов. Для каждого пропуска даны несколько вариантов. Определите, какой вариант верный.
All Alone
A sickly grey invaded the evening sky and infused with the dusky blue from the afternoon’s thunderstorm. In the musky air there seemed to be a sweet scent lingering, along with the choking smell of cigarette smоke. Fireflies dangled in the air like puppets, their colour almost drowned out from the rain. Their amber hue seemed to be the only source of light.
Charlotte dragged her feet across the leaves on the ground while swallowing the dreary landscape she had just walked a mile to. She inhaled. Heavy air filled her lungs and caused her to splutter in the dark. Silence crept in, and it haunted her. There was nowhere to ASK / LOOK / SEARCH / SEEK help.
Where were the others? She LOOKED / SCANNED / SKIMMED / STARED every ledge, every forest entry, every sharp rock. She acknowledged that the scene was just perfect for another practical joke. How surprising that they’d abandoned her here. They JOKED / LAUGHED / PICKED / TEASED on her not just because she was the biggest loser in school; skinny, asthmatic, anti-social, afraid of everything, but mostly because she was liable to fall FOR / ON / OVER / WITH the same tricks over and over again.
Panicking, Charlotte’s hands trembled as her eyes jolted back and AHEAD / FORTH / FORWARD / ONWARD across the horizon. How fitting it was that she should be afraid of the dark. Maybe she should never have agreed to go. She was CAUTIOUS / DOUBTFUL / OPPOSED / RELUCTANT to answer ‘Yes’. Why were the popular ones asking her to hang out? Why wasn’t it the science geeks or the library nerds? She was told there was a first for everything, but she’d always be a loner.
Her eyes fixed on a moving figure, too dark to know if it was human, and too scared to know it as anything else. She looked around, and realised she had been standing under a jagged ledge, threatening to engulf her in a sea of knife-edged rocks. In the dark she could’ve sworn it was a giant claw. She turned around and planned an escape ROUTE / ROAD / WAY / COURSE.
All Alone
A sickly grey invaded the evening sky and infused with the dusky blue from the afternoon’s thunderstorm. In the musky air there seemed to be a sweet scent lingering, along with the choking smell of cigarette smоke. Fireflies dangled in the air like puppets, their colour almost drowned out from the rain. Their amber hue seemed to be the only source of light.
Charlotte dragged her feet across the leaves on the ground while swallowing the dreary landscape she had just walked a mile to. She inhaled. Heavy air filled her lungs and caused her to splutter in the dark. Silence crept in, and it haunted her. There was nowhere to SEEK help.
Where were the others? She SCANNED every ledge, every forest entry, every sharp rock. She acknowledged that the scene was just perfect for another practical joke. How surprising that they’d abandoned her here. They PICKED on her not just because she was the biggest loser in school; skinny, asthmatic, anti-social, afraid of everything, but mostly because she was liable to fall FOR the same tricks over and over again.
Panicking, Charlotte’s hands trembled as her eyes jolted back and FORTH across the horizon. How fitting it was that she should be afraid of the dark. Maybe she should never have agreed to go. She was RELUCTANT to answer ‘Yes’. Why were the popular ones asking her to hang out? Why wasn’t it the science geeks or the library nerds? She was told there was a first for everything, but she’d always be a loner.
Her eyes fixed on a moving figure, too dark to know if it was human, and too scared to know it as anything else. She looked around, and realised she had been standing under a jagged ledge, threatening to engulf her in a sea of knife-edged rocks. In the dark she could’ve sworn it was a giant claw. She turned around and planned an escape ROUTE.