Задание 23 на тексты и заголовки в ОГЭ по английскому

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А–G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


1. Pessimistic predictions
2. Western experience
3. Parents’ carelessness
4. A perfect example to follow
5. Sad statistics
6. Strong family — great potential
7. Family traditions
8. A common myth

A. The first thing most Western people notice in the East is the respect everyone has for old people. Elderly people live with their married children and are important members of the family. They look after the children, help with cooking, give advice and often rule family life. Living in an extended family has advantages for everyone: children are taken care of by their loving relatives, and grandparents feel that they are loved and needed.

B. The nuclear family is a product of the modern West. The family usually consists of mother, father, and two children. If the mother goes out to work, she must leave them with a child minder (a babysitter). If there is divorce or separation, the child’s life will change completely. In such families children are likely to grow up without love and care.

C. The latest evidence of the traditional family’s decline shows that within 12 years the majority of the adult population will be unmarried. It is for the first time began that those who are divorced, widowed or have never married have outnumbered married adults. Forecasts suggest that by 2020 the proportion of the married adult population will fall from about 49 per cent today to 45 per cent.

D. One of the wrong things said about family life in North America is that there is too little friendship between family members. It’s true that relatives may seldom see each other, but most American families are very friendly. Almost any American kid can say his family is very important to him. American families have different ways of showing their love for their members. The whole family reunites to celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving how far from each other they may live.

E. Sociologists say that two in every five marriages now are expected to fail. The number of first marriages is at its lowest level and it has halved in fewer than 30 years. These figures have profound social and economic consequences for families. Educators warn that it is children who suffer more when their peaceful lives get absolutely ruined down.

F. Pressures on the modern family may have a lot to do with learning difficulties teachers are seeing in classrooms. The strong family remains the best place to bring up children to become creative and engaged persons. Not only parental separation but fear of possible separation has a huge effect on children. This fear interferes with the children’s classroom activities and their social behavior.

G. Modern parents are still ready to make sacrifices for their children. However, their busy lives are a major factor in a culture that is less and less child-friendly. Working parents need a lot of thought and creativity to find time for their children. Parents mainly think about providing economically for children, and are not attentive enough to their children’s vital emotional needs.

A – 4
B – 2
C – 5
D – 8
E – 1
F – 6
G – 3