Задание 2 на текст и пропущенные слова

Задание 2 на подготовку к ЕГЭ по английскому. В тексте имеются пропуски слов. Для каждого пропуска даны несколько вариантов. Определите, какой вариант верный.


A medical question

Raymond left in the morning for his job at a research lab. He had been working in the lab for six months and felt he had really settled IN / ON / OUT / TO.

His colleagues were a great bunch of guys and everyone got on well. Hed had fears before he began his job that some of his co-workers might be too uptight and MAKE / TAKE / Do / HAVE their work too seriously.

One day, they held a study which involved a new heart medication. A group of individuals had
volunteered for the study and they arrived to get ready. Raymond and one of his colleagues, Miranda, were responsible TO / WITH / FOR / IN doing a few tests before the study started.

They first asked the volunteers a ROW / COLUMN / SEQUENCE / SERIES of questions about their medical history. One question asked if they had any metal parts inside their bodies. Regardless of how they answered, Raymond had to ask all the volunteers to walk through metal detectors. Three volunteers TRIGGERED / PROMPTED / GENERATED / PRODUCED the machine’s alarm, but one man who set it off DEMANDED / INSISTED / REQUIRED / ENFORCED that he had no metal in his body.

Miranda pulled Raymond to one side and said, ‘I can see something in his hair that’s used to cover up the thinning. You know, spray-on hair? Well, that stuff is basically tiny flecks of metal and glue. The man doesn’t want to tell us that because he’s embarrassed, I’m sure!’

The two of them had to work out a way of RISING / RAISING / LIFTING / PUSHING the issue without upsetting the volunteer.

A medical question

Raymond left in the morning for his job at a research lab. He had been working in the lab for six months and felt he had really settled IN.

His colleagues were a great bunch of guys and everyone got on well. Hed had fears before he began his job that some of his co-workers might be too uptight and TAKE their work too seriously.

One day, they held a study which involved a new heart medication. A group of individuals had
volunteered for the study and they arrived to get ready. Raymond and one of his colleagues, Miranda, were responsible FOR doing a few tests before the study started.

They first asked the volunteers a SERIES of questions about their medical history. One question asked if they had any metal parts inside their bodies. Regardless of how they answered, Raymond had to ask all the volunteers to walk through metal detectors. Three volunteers TRIGGERED the machine’s alarm, but one man who set it off INSISTED that he had no metal in his body.

Miranda pulled Raymond to one side and said, ‘I can see something in his hair that’s used to cover up the thinning. You know, spray-on hair? Well, that stuff is basically tiny flecks of metal and glue. The man doesn’t want to tell us that because he’s embarrassed, I’m sure!’

The two of them had to work out a way of RAISING the issue without upsetting the volunteer.