ЕГЭ: Задание 99 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A. The company offers three different cruises a day.
B. One can have free coffee, refreshments and snacks on the Highlight Cruise.
C. All the cruises are of the same length.
D. Postcards are given as presents on all the cruises.
E. The tourist is able to book a cruise.
F. The tourist can easily find the place from where the cruises leave.
G. It is available to have the commentary in Russian.

A. The company offers three different cruises a day. True
B. One can have free coffee, refreshments and snacks on the Highlight Cruise. False
C. All the cruises are of the same length. False
D. Postcards are given as presents on all the cruises. Not Stated
E. The tourist is able to book a cruise. False
F. The tourist can easily find the place from where the cruises leave. True
G. It is available to have the commentary in Russian. False

Clerk: Good Morning, Blue Harbour Cruises. How can I help you?
Tourist: Oh, good morning. Could you tell me something about the different cruises you run?
Clerk: Well, we run three cruises every day, each offer is something slightly different.
Tourist: Let me just get a pencil so I can make a note of this. Right.
Clerk: Firstly, there’s the Highlight Cruise, then we do the Noon Cruise and we also have our Coffee Cruise.
Tourist: That’s interesting. Could you tell me a bit about them? When they leave, how often, that sort of thing?
Clerk: Well, the Highlight Cruise is $16 per person, and that leaves at 9.30 every morning and takes two hours to go round the harbour.
Tourist: Right… 9.30. And do you provide coffee or refreshments?
Clerk: No, but there’s a cafe on board where you can buy drinks and snacks. And we do provide everyone with a free souvenir postcard. And then there’s our Noon Cruise at $42 per person. This is more expensive but, of course, it takes longer and for that price you get a three-course lunch.
Tourist: Oh, that sounds good … And what about the last one?
Clerk: That’s the Coffee Cruise. Well, that’s $25 per person. It takes two and a half hours.
Tourist: When does that leave?
Clerk: At a quarter past two daily.
Tourist: And presumably the coffee is included?
Clerk: Yes, and sandwiches are served free of charge.
Tourist: I think the Coffee Cruise would suit us best, as lunch is included at the hotel. Can I book for two people for tomorrow, please?
Clerk: No, you do not need to book. Just be down at the quay at 2 o’clock. All our cruises depart from Jetty Number 2.
Tourist: Can you tell me where that is exactly?
Clerk: Yes, Number 2 Jetty is opposite the shops. It’s clearly signposted.
Tourist: Right… and can you tell me, is there a commentary?
Clerk: Yes, there’s a commentary on all the cruises.
Tourist: Is it possible to listen to the commentary in Russian? My friend doesn’t speak much English.
Clerk: It’s in English only, I’m afraid, but the tour guides usually speak some Russian, so you will be able to ask questions.
Tourist: Oh fine.
Clerk: Oh, and one other thing I should just mention that it gets extremely hot on the upper deck at this time of year, so it’s a good idea to wear a hat. Otherwise you could get quite badly sunburnt.
Tourist: Right. I’ll remember that. Thank you very much.

Упр. 98 | 99 | 100