ЕГЭ: Задание 93 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A. Alex has been in England for a fairly long time.
B. Alex has got a large family.
C. Alex’s nephew has got a large collection of kites.
D. Alex’s parents enjoy traditional souvenirs.
E. Alex thinks that it will be difficult to choose a present for his sister.
F. Alex will bring traditional English tea for his sister.
G. Alex will buy the latest ‘Harry Potter’ film for his brother.

A. Alex has been in England for a fairly long time. TRUE
B. Alex has got a large family. TRUE
C. Alex’s nephew has got a large collection of kites. NOT STATED
D. Alex’s parents enjoy traditional souvenirs. TRUE
E. Alex thinks that it will be difficult to choose a present for his sister. TRUE
F. Alex will bring traditional English tea for his sister. FALSE
G. Alex will buy the latest ‘Harry Potter’ film for his brother. NOT STATED

Zoe Fisher: Hi, Alex. Alex? Are you sleeping?
Alex: No, I’m not sleeping, just thinking.
Zoe Fisher: About what?
Alex: Well, I’ll be going back home to visit my family for a couple of weeks.
Zoe Fisher: That’s great. It’s been quite a while since you’ve seen them, hasn’t it? So, you must be thinking about how happy you’ll be to see them again.
Alex: Yes, that’s true. But I’m also thinking about what kinds of gifts I should bring back from England for everyone — my brother, my sister, her husband and son, and of course, for my parents.
Zoe Fisher: Of course, you want to bring back some traditional things, don’t you? How about a ‘Dumbledore’-style kite? You once mentioned that your nephew is fond of collecting kites.
Alex: Hey, that’s a good idea! You and I had a lot of fun flying Wizard kites together. I’m sure my nephew would get a kick out of flying an English-style kite, too.
Zoe Fisher: Great! You could also bring back some toy soldiers from the Royal Ceremonial Collection.
Alex: Kelly, you’re a genius! Royal Guard soldiers are not only very colourful, they represent English traditions too! My parents will really like them. Okay, now I have to think of something to buy for my sister. That’s a tough one!
Zoe Fisher: Don’t be so pessimistic, Alex. Does she like drinking tea? You could bring back an English teapot.
Alex: Of course! Another great idea! How do you think up the ideas so easily, Kelly? Now the toughest people to shop for — my brother and my sister’s husband. What in the world could I bring back for them?
Zoe Fisher: Didn’t you tell me that your brother is studying English now?
Alex: Yes, that’s right. He hopes to come to England after he graduates from university.
Zoe Fisher: So why not buy him a DVD so that he can watch a film in English?
Alex: Sure, he’d love that. He’s crazy about ‘Harry Potter’ film series, so he can have fun and learn at the same time! You amaze me, Kelly.
Zoe Fisher: Geniuses always do that! Okay, now for your brother-in-law. I think you’re on your own there!
Alex: Well, I could just get him an ‘I’ve been to London’ T-shirt.
Zoe Fisher: That’s a great idea!!

Упр. 92 | 93 | 94