ЕГЭ: Задание 86 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A. Mr. Max Mason is a journalist.
B. The novel ‘Ragtime’ is set in the seventies.
C. Max has read seven of Doctorow’s stories.
D. George Saunders is a modern writer.
E. Max read Kurt Vonnegut’s books while studying at university.
F. Max has already read John Steinbeck’s ‘East of Eden’.
G. The show host would like to read ‘The Adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll.’

A. Mr. Max Mason is a journalist. NOT STATED
B. The novel ‘Ragtime’ is set in the seventies. FALSE
C. Max has read seven of Doctorow’s stories. NOT STATED
D. George Saunders is a modern writer. TRUE
E. Max read Kurt Vonnegut’s books while studying at university. FALSE
F. Max has already read John Steinbeck’s ‘East of Eden’. TRUE
G. The show host would like to read ‘The Adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll.’ NOT STATED

The host: This week’s summer reader is Mr. Max Mason. By day, he writes for financial newsletters and Web sites. But in his free time, he manages and writes for his literary blog ‘The Millions’. Mr. Mason lives in Philadelphia, but we have reached him at his parents’ home in Potomac, Maryland. Welcome to the show, Max.
Max: Thanks for having me.
The host: So what are you reading?
Max: Right now, I’m reading ‘Ragtime’ by E.L. Doctorow. It’s a pretty classic book. It was written in the seventies and it’s a sweeping novel set at the turn of the last century. And it’s got all kinds of historical figures walking through it like Harry Houdini and Sigmund Freud. I have only read about 50 pages so far but I’m really enjoying it.
The host: What attracted you to it in the first place?
Max: Well, I’ve read several of Doctorow’s stories over the year and he’s, you know, a pretty well-known writer and I’ve always wanted to read this book. It’s considered his best. So I’ve had it on my list for a while.
The host: So you’re only a few pages into that one. I hate to ask, what are you going to read next?
Max: Well, next, I’m going to read a book of short stories called ‘Pastoralia’ by George Saunders. He is a contemporary writer that a lot of people are excited about these days. I’d compare him to Kurt Vonnegut, somebody like that. His stories accentuate the excesses of modern life and depict scary and fascinating worlds. Interesting stuff.
The host: Hmm. Have you read Kurt Vonnegut?
Max: Yes. I’ve read pretty much of Kurt Vonnegut’s books when I was in high school. I devoured all of his novels. I’m a big fan of his.
The host: So if you had all the time in the world, what would you like to read?
Max: I think I would take that opportunity to re-read some of my favourite classics that I don’t know if I’ll ever have time to get back to. Things like John Steinbeck’s ‘East of Eden’ and ‘Hundred Years of Solitude’ by Gabriel Garcia-Marquez. I also want to re-read ‘The Adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll.’
The host: Hmm. What book is that? I’ve never heard of that book.
Max: It’s by Alvaro Mutis and he’s actually a friend of Gabriel Garcia-Marquez’s from way back. And the book is about a mysterious sailor called Maqroll, who travels the world and gets caught up in all sorts of adventures and misadventures, obviously, and it’s really a remarkable book, pretty unique. I’ve never read anything like it. I definitely recommend it, one of my favourites.
The host: Thanks a lot, Max. That was Max Mason, creator of the literary blog ‘The Millions’. He joined us from Potomac, Maryland.
Max: My pleasure.

Упр. 85 | 86 | 87