ЕГЭ: Задание 84 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A. Mark saw the advertisement about the job in a newspaper.
B. The manager fired one of the journalists last week.
C. Mark wrote a lot of articles for the college newspaper.
D. The woman has never been to Thailand.
E. Uluru leaves the most remarkable impression in the evening.
F. Mark has got the first university degree.
G. The manager is having lunch at the moment.

A. Mark saw the advertisement about the job in a newspaper. FALSE
B. The manager fired one of the journalists last week. FALSE
C. Mark wrote a lot of articles for the college newspaper. NOT STATED
D. The woman has never been to Thailand. TRUE
E. Uluru leaves the most remarkable impression in the evening. TRUE
F. Mark has got the first university degree. TRUE
G. The manager is having lunch at the moment. NOT STATED

The woman in the newspaper office: Come in, please.
Mark: Hello.
The woman: Hello. How are you doing?
Mark: Fine, thanks. How are you?
The woman: Very well, thank you.
Mark: Good. I was just walking by and I saw the sign in the window: ‘Journalist wanted’. Are you still looking for somebody?
The woman: Yes, we are. One of our journalists quit last week because she moved house.
Mark: Well, I’d like to apply for the job. I don’t have a lot of experience but I worked for the college newspaper when I was a student and I have written a couple of things on the Internet.
The woman: What did you write on the Internet?
Mark: I just wrote a couple of articles. One was about the village that I used to live in.
The woman: Traditional village? Where was it?
Mark: In Thailand.
The woman: Oh, Thailand. That is very interesting. I have always dreamed of visiting it.
Mark: And another one was about a trip that I did in Australia.
The woman: Mm. Where was it? Did you go into the desert or around the coast?
Mark: Through the desert. It was a safari trip, but we also visited quite a lot of interesting places, for example, Uluru. It is a rock and it’s notable for changing its colour as the different light strikes it at different times of the day and year. The most remarkable sight is at sunset when it briefly glows red. I made lots of beautiful pictures.
The woman: That sounds fascinating. What about your qualifications?
Mark: I’ve got a bachelor’s degree in journalism, and I’m thinking of studying for a master’s degree.
The woman: That’s fine. So you have a bit of experience and a good qualification. So, yes, why not? I think you can have this job.
Mark: How much is the pay?
The woman: Well, the pay is pretty good, actually. But you’d better discuss it with the manager.
Mark: Aren’t you a manager?
The woman: No, I’m a receptionist. The manager has just gone out but he promised to be in in an hour. So if you wait, you can ask him any questions you like.
Mark: I’d better come back in an hour.

Упр. 83 | 84 | 85