ЕГЭ: Задание 79 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A. Mrs Smith wants to complain about Bill’s impolite behaviour.
B. Mrs Smith has got a large garden.
C. Bill has a very innocent look on his face.
D. Mr Jenkins mentions Mrs Smith’s ruined roses.
E. Mr Smith is concerned about Bill and his friends.
F. Mr Smith says Bill will have to pay for the damage out of his pocket money.
G. The recreation ground is a mile away.

A. Mrs Smith wants to complain about Bill’s impolite behaviour. FALSE
B. Mrs Smith has got a large garden. NOT STATED
C. Bill has a very innocent look on his face. FALSE
D. Mr Jenkins mentions Mrs Smith’s ruined roses. FALSE
E. Mr Smith is concerned about Bill and his friends. TRUE
F. Mr Smith says Bill will have to pay for the damage out of his pocket money. FALSE
G. The recreation ground is a mile away. TRUE

Mrs Smith: Hello, Mr Jenkins. I’m afraid I have a grumble to make. It’s about your son — well, that football of his, to be precise.
Mr Jenkins: Don’t say he’s kicking it into your garden again, Mrs Smith.
Mrs Smith: Well, yes, I’m afraid it keeps coming over.
Mr Jenkins: I’ve told him not to play in the street. Look, here he comes now. I’ll have this out with him once and for all. Bill, I want you here, this minute.
Bill: What’s wrong, Dad? Why are you looking so angry?
Mr Jenkins: Mrs Smith tells me you’re still letting that football of yours go into her garden.
Bill: Oh, yes. Well, I’m sorry. Hello, Mrs Smith.
Mr Jenkins: It’s no good standing there squirming, Bill. I thought we’d sorted all this out last year, you and your friends. Surely you’ve got the sense to know that you’re causing damage.
Bill: Well, yes, Dad. In fact this time we’ve caused more damage than usual…
Mr Jenkins: Look what happened to Mrs Smith’s daffodils when they were just coming out last spring …Ruined, absolutely knocked to pieces.
Mrs Smith: It isn’t just the damage, it’s their welfare too. It isn’t safe to play in the street so I don’t want you coming down too hard on him, Mr…
Mr Jenkins: I told you then and I’ll tell you again…
Mrs Smith: Don’t come down on him too hard, Mr Jenkins. I can’t help feeling sorry for the lad. He paid for the damage with his pocket money and then in the autumn he burst a new ball on the thorns of my roses.
Bill: Dad, this time we were kicking the ball up and down the road to avoid it going into the gardens. After it went on the daffodils we stopped using Mrs Smith’s gate as a goal. It was just an unlucky bounce that took it over the wall and onto the roses. Anyway, it didn’t do any harm that time, not to Mrs Smith’s garden. It was Mrs Smith’s garden that damaged my ball.
Mr Jenkins: You’re being cheeky!
Bill: No, Dad, it’s true. And now, today, it did an even unluckier bounce…
Mr Jenkins: Now listen to me, Bill. Once more into Mrs Smith’s garden and I’ll stop your pocket money for … well, I don’t know how many months.
Mrs Smith: Bill, surely it’s best if you play on the recreation ground. It’s not far to walk.
Bill: But there’s just one problem, Mrs Smith.
Mr Jenkins: There can’t be a problem. You don’t mean you youngsters haven’t the strength to walk half a mile.
Bill: Well, no, it’s not that.
Mr Jenkins: Well, go to the recreation ground.
Bill: But Dad, Mrs Smith, my ball’s in Mrs Smith’s front room.
Mrs Smith: What on earth do you mean, in my front room?
Bill: It did another funny bounce. It’s gone through your window.

Упр. 78 | 79 | 80