ЕГЭ: Задание 73 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A. The last ‘Harry Potter’ film was a roaring success.
B. Rupert is about to leave Great Britain.
C. Rupert is going to star in a new film ‘Comrade’.
D. Rupert was upset that the film was over.
E. The actors were forced to end the last film in a very exciting way.
F. Rupert is used to lots of running.
G. Rupert doesn’t reject the idea of playing in another ‘Harry Potter’ film.

A. The last ‘Harry Potter’ film was a roaring success. NOT STATED
B. Rupert is about to leave Great Britain. TRUE
C. Rupert is going to star in a new film ‘Comrade’. NOT STATED
D. Rupert was upset that the film was over. TRUE
E. The actors were forced to end the last film in a very exciting way. TRUE
F. Rupert is used to lots of running. FALSE
G. Rupert doesn’t reject the idea of playing in another ‘Harry Potter’ film. TRUE

The host: When the last ‘Harry Potter’ film hit theatres, lots of fans were forced to say goodbye to a story that had become a large part of their lives. Rupert Grint, who has played Potter’s best friend Ron Weasley in all eight films, is still coming to terms with ending that chapter of his life. Today he is here to discuss what it was like to part ways with the J.K. Rowling world. Hello Mr. Grint and welcome to the show!
Rupert Grint: It’s really nice being here.
The host: Mr. Grint, what are you doing at the moment?
Rupert Grint: It’s a bit strange being called Mr. Grint. Anyway, tomorrow I’m going to Norway to take part in a new film ‘Comrade’. Now that my work in ‘Harry Potter’ is over, I can try something different.
The host: I suppose it was difficult to get used to the thought that it’s all over. What were those last days on set like?
Rupert Grint: ‘Harry Potter’ was such a massive part of my life that I can’t really remember my life before it. Our last days were very emotional. There was a real sadness about it and quite an empty feeling. I remember packing up my room, boxing everything up and finding toys from the time when I was ten. It was weird.
The host: Did you like that they split the last book into two films?
Rupert Grint: I think that it was a good idea and they’re two very different films. Part two is based on action and it’s kind of an epic. There was a lot of pressure on us to really go out with a bang.
The host: In the last part Hogwarts comes under attack. What was it like seeing those sets getting torn apart?
Rupert Grint: That was quite strange watching this place so familiar to us that it’s almost like a second home. They were happening simultaneously — the film ending and the sets being destroyed. I was struck the first time I saw the Great Hall become a big pile of burning rubble.
The host: Did you enjoy being in more of an action film and doing bigger stunts?
Rupert Grint: It was quite cool to film that. There was a lot of running, which is not something I’m really that used to. There are big action shots of me running across a courtyard with giants swinging stuff at us and spiders. I loved all the stunts and, luckily, I didn’t really have any injuries.
The host: If J.K. Rowling ends up writing another book, will that be something you would sign up for?
Rupert Grint: I’m not sure. I wouldn’t actually completely rule it out. I was always a big fan of the books and over the years I’ve become quite attached to Ron and we’ve meshed into the same person, really. But I don’t know how it would really work. Yet I would like to play the middle-aged Ron. We’ll have to wait and see.
The host: How do you feel about the future?
Rupert Grint: It’s good. We had a good time, but I’m looking forward to moving on.

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