ЕГЭ: Задание 7 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) A lot of people went to Michaels photography exhibition.
B) Michael has paid for lessons in photography.
C) Michael is not fond of colour photography.
D) Denise doesn’t know how to use the camera on her phone.
E) Michael uses a camera phone to take a lot of photos.
F) Michael’s mum has stopped using traditional film.
G) Michael’s mum wants him to learn how to develop photos from film.

A) A lot of people went to Michaels photography exhibition. TRUE
B) Michael has paid for lessons in photography. FALSE
C) Michael is not fond of colour photography. TRUE
D) Denise doesn’t know how to use the camera on her phone. FALSE
E) Michael uses a camera phone to take a lot of photos. NOT STATED
F) Michael’s mum has stopped using traditional film. TRUE
G) Michael’s mum wants him to learn how to develop photos from film. NOT STATED

Denise: Hi Michael, how did your photography exhibition go the other day?

Michael: It went very well, thanks Denise. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go. The weather forecast was for rain, so I didn’t think many people would bother to show up. Turns out I was wrong! The exhibition was really popular.

Denise: Well, your exhibit was very nice. I didn’t realise how talented you are. You’ve really got an eye.

Michael: Thanks. Well, you know, my mum’s a photographer, so I guess it runs in the family. I was lucky because she taught me a lot of techniques. Maybe one day I’ll take a class in it.

Denise: I’m not sure you would need to! Is all your work in black and white, or do you do colour photography?

Michael: I’ve done a little bit of both, but my colour photos aren’t really my favourite. I think the black and white ones are a bit more artistic, so I prefer to take those.

Denise: Well, the only camera I’ve got is on my mobile. I know how to snap a photo and I can change some of the settings, but that’s the extent of my photography expertise. It’s actually quite sophisticated, my camera phone. I should really learn more about how to use it.

Michael: Camera phones these days are really outstanding. You can take amazing pictures with them.

Denise: Yes, and I like them because you can delete bad photos and it doesn’t waste film. Is our camera digital?

Michael: It is, yes. I use it for the same reason you mention. My mum has been using a digital one as well recently, but she used traditional film for years. She’s even got a dark room in the back of the house that she used to use to develop her photos. I think she misses using it.

Denise: That would be a cool thing to learn how to do, to develop photos from film.

Michael: I’ve seen my mum do it, but I couldn’t tell you how to do it myself. I’ll stick with digital for now. It certainly makes things a lot quicker!

Denise: Well, keep up the good work! Your photos are great. I’m off to class, let’s talk later.

Michael: OK, see you, Denise.

Упр. 6 | 7 | 8