ЕГЭ: Задание 68 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A. Phil’s band is currently called The Readers.
B. Lucy’s band have prepared fewer songs than Phil’s.
C. For her band’s songs, Lucy writes the lyrics but not the music.
D. From the first audition, Lucy’s band will be competing against Phil’s band.
E. Phil is confident that his band is ready to audition.
F. The venue for the audition is a long way away.
G. Lucy has asked her parents not to come to the audition.

A. Phil’s band is currently called The Readers. FALSE
B. Lucy’s band have prepared fewer songs than Phil’s. FALSE
C. For her band’s songs, Lucy writes the lyrics but not the music. NOT STATED
D. From the first audition, Lucy’s band will be competing against Phil’s band. FALSE
E. Phil is confident that his band is ready to audition. TRUE
F. The venue for the audition is a long way away. NOT STATED
G. Lucy has asked her parents not to come to the audition. FALSE

P: Hey, Lucy! How are the rehearsals going?
L: I was going to ask you the same thing, Phil! Ours are going well. How about yours?
P: Yes, very well. We’ve changed the name of our band, though. We’re not called The Readersanymore.
L: Oh, that’s a shame. Why not?
P: We wanted a name with a bit more energy. More lively, you’know.
L: Right. So, what are you called now?
P: Lightning Strike.
L: Well, that’s definitely a bit more lively! How many songs have you got ready?
P: Four. But I don’t think we’ll have to do more than two at the audition, will we?
L: Probably not. But if you get through to the next round, you’ll have to play something different, so it’s good to have quite a few songs ready at this stage. We’ve got about ten.
P: Ten? Really? Are they your own songs, or versions of famous songs?
L: Oh, we’re only doing our own songs in this competition. We’re not doing any versions. We think that’ll make us stand out from the crowd. The judges love it if you do your own songs.
P: Do you think so? I’m not totally convinced. From what I know, it’s easier for them to judge you if you’re singing a song they know well. Anyway, I’m sure they’ll love you! Just don’t be better than us!
L: Well, at this stage, it doesn’t matter, does it? We’ll be in the girl band’ category and you’ll be in the ’boy band’ category. It’s only if we get through to the live TV shows that we’d be competing against each other.
P: True. And that’s a long way down the line. Are you nervous?
L: More excited than nervous, I’d say. But I’ll probably be shaking on the day! How about you?
P: I’m not nervous about performing – we’ve rehearsed a lot and were pretty good. But I’m a bit worried about the TV cameras and being in front of the judges. And it’s going to be a long day.
L: I know! We have to get there at – what? – half past six in the morning?
P: And they might not call us for the audition until late in the afternoon.
L: Are you taking any friends and family with you for support?
P: I would if I was auditioning on my own. But it’s different when you’re in a group, isn’t, it? You’ve got your fellow bandmates for support. You don’t really need anyone else.
L: I know what you mean, but I want my mum and dad there. They’ve always supported and helped me, and I want them to be part of this too. I know they’d be upset if I said they couldn’t come.
P: I hadn’t thought of it like that.

Упр. 67 | 68 | 69