ЕГЭ: Задание 67 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) Carl is uncertain what the technical name for something is.
B) Most of the videos Megan watches on YouTube are comedies.
C) Megan has memorised the password for the router.
D) A blue icon shows that the YouTube app and the TV are connected.
E) Megan is disappointed by how the video looks on the TV.
F) Megan persuades Carl that his choice of music would be unpopular.
G) The special browser that is required is very expensive.

A) Carl is uncertain what the technical name for something is. TRUE
B) Most of the videos Megan watches on YouTube are comedies. NOT STATED
C) Megan has memorised the password for the router. FALSE
D) A blue icon shows that the YouTube app and the TV are connected. TRUE
E) Megan is disappointed by how the video looks on the TV. FALSE
F) Megan persuades Carl that his choice of music would be unpopular. TRUE
G) The special browser that is required is very expensive. NOT STATED

Megan: There you are, Carl! I’ve been looking for you everywhere. What are you doing?
Carl: You can help me if you like, Megan. I’m just setting up this thingy.
Megan: Thingy? What do you mean by thingy?
Carl: Sorry! I’m not totally sure what it’s called. Wi-fi USB stick, maybe. Or maybe it’s called a dongle. Anyway, whatever it’s called, you use it to broadcast to a TV from a laptop or tablet or mobile phone.
Megan: Why would I want to do that?
Carl: Well, let’s say you find a funny video on YouTube and want to show it to us. You could pass it round individually on your phone, but wouldn’t it be better to play it on the big screen so everyone can watch it together?
Megan: Oh I see. Yes, that could be useful.
Carl: I think you’ll find we’ll use it a lot. I just have to get it set up first. Ah – it needs the wi-fi password. Do you remember what it is?
Megan: No, but it’s written on the bottom of the wi-fi router. Let me look. Do you want me to read it out to you?
Carl: Yes please.
Megan: ZX37…
Carl: A bit more slowly please! I’ve got to type them in.
Megan: Sorry. Z…X…3…7…2…F….G.
Carl: F-G. OK, that should be it. Good. Let’s see if it works. So, with YouTube, you have to find the icon in the top right-hand corner and click that. Here it is. Right – ‘connect to home network’. OK – great. It seems to be connected. See? It’s gone blue. That means it’s working.
Megan: Now what?
Carl: Now if you play a YouTube video, it’ll appear on the TV. Let’s try this one. Yes – there it. is.
Megan: Oh, the quality’s very good, isn’t it? Better than I’d expected. How much was it?
Carl: Not expensive. About 30 euros.
Megan: Very reasonable. It’d be great for music videos. We can use it for your birthday party next month.
Carl: That’s a good idea. I’ll start making a list of videos.
Megan: I think it’s better if I do that. You know what your musical taste is like! You’ll choose the strangest songs that no one else will like.
Carl: That’s probably true. OK – you’ll be in charge of the music. Now, let me try and work out next how to broadcast a normal website to the TV. I think what you have to do is get an app that’s a special browser that works with this dongle thing, and open a website from inside that.
Megan: Oh, so you can’t just use any browser to broadcast to the TV?
Carl: No, I don’t think so.

Упр. 66 | 67 | 68