ЕГЭ: Задание 66 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) David invites Anna because she is interested in old schools.
B) The journey to Kimbolton generally takes about an hour.
C) Katherine was Henry’s second wife.
D) Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church for religious reasons
E) Henry married Anne Boleyn after Katherine to get an heir.
F) The Castle is occasionally open to public tours
G) Anna really wants to accept the invitation.

A) David invites Anna because she is interested in old schools. FALSE
B) The journey to Kimbolton generally takes about an hour. TRUE
C) Katherine was Henry’s second wife. FALSE
D) Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church for religious reasons FALSE
E) Henry married Anne Boleyn after Katherine to get an heir. TRUE
F) The Castle is occasionally open to public tours FALSE
G) Anna really wants to accept the invitation. NOT STATED

David: Anna, if you are interested, I’m going to make a visit to my old school next Saturday. Would you like to come?
Anna: Why on earth would I want to visit your old school?
David: Because I know you’re studying the Tudors at the moment — Henry VIII and the reformation — right?
Anna: Yes, and so?
David: Well, I went to school at a place called Kimbolton, in Cambridgeshire. It’s about one hour drive from here if the traffic isn’t too bad.
Anna: And the connection with Henry VIII is…?
David: Henry VIII had six wives — but arguably the most important one historically was Katherine of Aragon, his first wife.
Anna: That’s right. Because he wanted a son to be King after him and he only had a daughter — Mary. He divorced Katherine because she was past child bearing age and he needed to marry again to have a son. The Catholic Pope refused to give him a divorce, so Henry broke away from the Catholic Church, destroyed all the monasteries and steered England towards the protestant church. What on earth has this got to do with your school?
David: When Henry separated from Katherine and married Anne Boleyn — he sent Katherine to a castle — in Kimbolton.
Anna: You’re joking?
David: The headmaster’s office is in the room that was formerly her bedroom. She lived there until she died. After her death her coffin was carried to London — about 60 miles — and people lined the route all the way to say goodbye to her. When I was at school there were plenty of stories about her ghost that still walks the corridors of Kimbolton Castle.
Anna: Is it open to the public then?
David: No, I’m afraid it isn’t. But because I went to school I can go back on special school reunion days. They’re called “Old Kimboltonian Days”. And I can take a guest. There will be a tour. Probably we’ll see a game of cricket in the afternoon and in the evening there will be a dinner dance. What do you say?
Anna: I’m not sure. On Sunday I’m going to Brighton for the day and will need to get up early. Can I think about it? I’ll let you know by tomorrow.

Упр. 65 | 66 | 67