ЕГЭ: Задание 62 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) Michael has paid for his new car.
B) Alice believes that going to Leeds will be a good test for the car.
C) Charles is not going bowling tonight.
D) Alice really likes Charles.
E) They won’t have dinner before they leave.
F) Michael doesn’t like going by bus.
G) Alice won’t go there on her bicycle.

A) Michael has paid for his new car. FALSE
B) Alice believes that going to Leeds will be a good test for the car. NOT STATED
C) Charles is not going bowling tonight. FALSE
D) Alice really likes Charles. TRUE
E) They won’t have dinner before they leave. TRUE
F) Michael doesn’t like going by bus. NOT STATED
G) Alice won’t go there on her bicycle. FALSE

Alice: You finally bought your car?
Michael: Yes – but I’ll be paying for it for the next five years. I’ll get it next week. I am thinking of taking it somewhere for a weekend away. Amazing to think that the whole time I am cruising up the motorway I’ll not be using petrol.
Alice: Where will you go?
Michael: I was thinking of Leeds. It is motorway for 90% of the journey so it will be a really good test of how the hybrid engine performs.
Alice: Leeds — eh? That wouldn’t be Leeds as in where your friend Lucy lives?
Michael: She’s not my friend. Well she is a friend but not my girlfriend or anything. But yes, I might say hello to her if she happens to be in.
Alice: I see. You are going to drive 500 miles to Leeds and back just to see if she’s in. Oops — I mean to check if the car engine works OK.
Michael: Sisters are so annoying.
Alice: That’s what we are here for. Are you up to anything tonight?
Michael: I am going bowling with a bunch of friends one of whom happens to be Charles. You know — Charles: The one who makes my kid sister faint every time he walks past.
Alice: Ah — that Charles. Well I do admit that he is rather gorgeous. Do you need an extra person to make up the numbers?
Michael: Consider yourself invited my dear. We need to be there at 7.30ish and we’ve got two lanes booked for 8. Not having the car yet I’m planning to go by bus. Is it the number 52 or the 14 for the town centre?
Alice: Either will do. Since you have proved yourself such a wonderful brother I hereby agree to make you dinner.
Michael: Dinner? We need to leave in an hour.
Alice: Well I meant a snack really. I didn’t have time for lunch and I’ll be starving by 8. I know we can eat while we are bowling but do you fancy a sandwich to keep you going.
Michael: Yeah — good idea, I’d love one. Are you going to come with me on the bus?
Alice: No — I am going on my beloved, environmentally friendly bicycle.

Упр. 61 | 62 | 63