ЕГЭ: Задание 61 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) The special price is for one year only.
B) The purchasing scheme is with zero interest.
C) Michael can take five years to pay for the car.
D) The bank will agree to support Michael’s credit application.
E) Lease purchase is a good idea as technology keeps changing.
F) Michael’s chosen colour is green metallic.
G) Michael prefers black coffee.

A) The special price is for one year only. FALSE
B) The purchasing scheme is with zero interest. FALSE
C) Michael can take five years to pay for the car. TRUE
D) The bank will agree to support Michael’s credit application. NOT STATED
E) Lease purchase is a good idea as technology keeps changing. TRUE
F) Michael’s chosen colour is green metallic. FALSE
G) Michael prefers black coffee. NOT STATED

Sales Lady: Apart from the scrappage scheme allowance we can offer two more things. Until the end of January we are offering 20% discount off the final calculated price. What this means is that after all other discounts and allowances the price comes to 16,000. However — just this month — you can buy for 12,800.
Michael: And what’s the other thing?
Sales Lady: Again — just for this month — we have an amazing low interest purchasing scheme, provided your credit references are good.
Michael: Credit references?
Sales Lady: Well basically it means you fill in this form and it is sent to your bank. If they agree — then the deal can go ahead.
Michael: And the deal is?
Sales Lady: 6% interest and 5 years: That is 13,568 in sixty monthly payments of 226.
Michael: Well I have made my decision. I want to buy so let’s get filling in those forms. How long does the whole process take?
Sales Lady: The credit decision and administration takes just a few days but we’ll need to order the car and that takes about three weeks. OK — there are several forms. Let’s start with this one. They are all fairly straight forward but you’ll want to read them carefully before you sign anything. Would you like me to make you a coffee?
Michael: Yes please — black with no sugar. So what are these forms?
Sales Lady: The first is our Lease purchase agreement. It gives you the option of selling back to us and getting a new model every three years. It is worth thinking about because the technology is changing so fast. The second is for the bank reference and that pink form is for which colour you choose, accessories etc
Michael: New model every three years?
Sales Lady: Yes — we simply have a system where we guarantee to buy back at a pre agreed price and that money is put towards you buying a new model. It is a really good option. Do you know what colour you are going for?
Michael: Red Metallic. Thank you for all your help and advice. I had better get down to these forms.
Sales Lady: And I’ll get your coffee. I’ve forgotten already. White with sugar?
Michael: Black without please.

Упр. 60 | 61 | 62