ЕГЭ: Задание 49 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) Ivy previously believed she could never learn to use computers.
B) Ivy’s husband Fred is impressed by Paul.
C) Fred has been on a computer course before.
D) Paul refused to take Fred as his trainee.
E) James and Katie will do two evenings a week in September.
F) CLAIT is easier than the Office Skills course.
G) Ivy plans to finish both CLAIT and Office Skills courses by the end of winter.

A) Ivy previously believed she could never learn to use computers. TRUE
B) Ivy’s husband Fred is impressed by Paul. TRUE
C) Fred has been on a computer course before. NOT STATED
D) Paul refused to take Fred as his trainee. FALSE
E) James and Katie will do two evenings a week in September. FALSE
F) CLAIT is easier than the Office Skills course. TRUE
G) Ivy plans to finish both CLAIT and Office Skills courses by the end of winter. TRUE

Ivy: Thank you so much Paul. I can’t believe it. I can use e-mail! I can down load files! I can go e-shopping! It’s like a whole new world.
Paul: Ivy — the pleasure is all mine. I told you it would be really easy.
Ivy: I know you did. And I said to my husband Fred I’d never manage to switch on a computer let alone use it. And he turned round and said to me “You listen to that Paul. He’s alright he is”. And he was dead right. Guess what! Fred wants to have lessons as well but only if he can have them with you.
Paul: It would be a privilege to teach your husband Ivy. I am sure he’ll be as bright a star as you are.
Ivy: What’s on the course in the autumn? Will you still be here?
Paul: I’ll be back to college in September but I’m still planning to do one evening a week here. So are my sister Katie and her boyfriend James, so you’ll have plenty to choose from.
Ivy: You’re my choice Paul! So what do you think I should study next?
Paul: Well, you’ve completed the beginners course Ivy and the logical next step is the improvers’ course. But in my opinion you now know enough to go straight to a higher level. You can take the CLAIT course and get a diploma. Or you can stretch to Office Skills and Administration which is a bit tougher but it will really improve your chance of getting a job.
Ivy: Oh I can just see me. Keen young 57 year old secretary!
Paul: You are not too old Ivy. If you get the right qualifications you could be earning a decent salary next year.
Ivy: Which course will you be teaching in September?
Paul: I’ll be doing CLAIT every Wednesday evening.
Ivy: Then I’ll begin with CLAIT.
Paul: And you can always do the Skills course in January. It might well be the best route.
Ivy: Where do I sign?
Paul: Just tell Frances in reception and she’ll get you registered.

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