ЕГЭ: Упражнение 4 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) Alison has got most of the supplies she needs for the clean-up.
B) Daniel isn’t going to be involved with the rubbish pick-up.
C) Alison has got an instrument for removing posters.
D) Alison is going to assign poster removal to a friend.
E) Daniel doesn’t think the park is full of rubbish.
F) Alison wants to clean up the playground so she can use it again.
G) Daniel will be at football practice for a couple of hours.

A) Alison has got most of the supplies she needs for the clean-up. TRUE
B) Daniel isn’t going to be involved with the rubbish pick-up. TRUE
C) Alison has got an instrument for removing posters. FALSE
D) Alison is going to assign poster removal to a friend. TRUE
E) Daniel doesn’t think the park is full of rubbish. FALSE
F) Alison wants to clean up the playground so she can use it again. FALSE
G) Daniel will be at football practice for a couple of hours. NOT STATED

Daniel: Hi Alison, are you all set for the neighbourhood clean-up this weekend?

Alison: I think so. Mum and I are in charge of picking up rubbish. We bought some supplies this morning. I think we just need rubbish bags now. We’ve got the other things, like gloves and refreshments for everyone.

Daniel: Very cool. My dad and I won’t be in your team, but we’re going to clean graffiti off walls and signs, so we’ve got paint remover and rags for scrubbing.

Alison: That’s a good idea. I was wondering about posters and how to remove them. Some of them have been up for ages and really need to come down!

Daniel: Yes, we’ve got a tool for that, to scrape the posters off. I’ll bring it. Then I think it’s a matter of using soap and a tough sponge to get the glue off. Maybe you and your mum could do that as well.

Alison: Actually, I’ll talk to my friend Victoria about that, because she’s going to lend a hand. That can be a job for her.

Daniel: OK. Roger and his mum are doing a bit of gardening. They’ve arranged with the council to plant flowers and bushes in the bare parts round the pavement. There’s nothing there now but dirt, and maybe a bit of rubbish.

Alison: Well, the rubbish is our job, my mum and I!

Daniel: I think that’s going to be fairly simple to do on the streets. They’re not terribly cluttered. But the park is covered in litter. That’ll be a lot of work.

Alison: I know. It’s so sad. I remember playing in that park when we were kids. None of the younger kids use it nowadays because it’s a mess. Remember that playground we used to visit? That was great fun. We’re a bit old for it now, of course, but I want to make it nice for the little kids.

Daniel: Me too. A lot of kids go to the amusement park now. But anyway, we’ll clean it up and then maybe someone will come along and use it again.

Alison: Well, I’ll see you this weekend. We’re planning on getting started around noon. What about you?

Daniel: We’ll be there earlier than that. I’ve got football practice at 2, so I’ll only see you for a couple of hours.

Alison: OK. Looking forward to it!

Упр. 3 | 4