Упражнение 83 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

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English Country Houses

What is a country house and why does it deserve a special mention in this history of Britain? The country houses of England have evolved over the last 500 years. The term “country house” is practically synonymous with “historic house”. The English country house is generally accepted as a large house or mansion.

The heyday of the country house was the 18th century, and most of the examples that survive ___BE___ from this period.

The country house as a style of building rose up in the relative peace and prosperity of the Tudor age. Country houses not only displayed the ___OWNER___ fashionable and cultivated tastes, but were the centre of a vast landed estate, providing employment to hundreds.

Many country houses are worth ___VISIT___ just for a chance to experience the magnificent gardens that surround them.

The predominant style of the early 18th century was Palladian, based on the classical designs of Andreas Palladio. What ___MAKE___ a Palladian country

house? Generally, they were situated on rising ground, with gardens stretching up to the “back door” from parkland below. They were classical in style, with a large central portico and strong vertical lines on the exterior. It was in the interior that these country houses really shone, however.

Later in the 18th century design became more refined. There ___BE___ a passing fashion for Chinese elements in decoration, but on the whole the inspiration was still classical Roman and Greek, fostered by the newly excavated remains of buildings at Pompeii.

This “Classical Revival” period ___CHARACTERISE___ by superb craftsmanship and design. From the foundations to the tiniest detail of decoration you can see sophisticated, elegant excellence.

Among the best country houses of this later period is Harewood House, home to the Queen’s cousin, the Earl of Harewood, ___PROVIDE___ a great day out for all the family.

It is set in spectacular landscaped grounds, which include formal gardens and gentle woodland walks, a Bhutanese Stupa, waterfall and Himalayan Garden.

English Country Houses

What is a country house and why does it deserve a special mention in this history of Britain? The country houses of England have evolved over the last 500 years. The term “country house” is practically synonymous with “historic house”. The English country house is generally accepted as a large house or mansion.

The heyday of the country house was the 18th century, and most of the examples that survive ARE from this period.

The country house as a style of building rose up in the relative peace and prosperity of the Tudor age. Country houses not only displayed the OWNERS’ fashionable and cultivated tastes, but were the centre of a vast landed estate, providing employment to hundreds.

Many country houses are worth VISITING just for a chance to experience the magnificent gardens that surround them.

The predominant style of the early 18th century was Palladian, based on the classical designs of Andreas Palladio. What MAKES a Palladian country

house? Generally, they were situated on rising ground, with gardens stretching up to the “back door” from parkland below. They were classical in style, with a large central portico and strong vertical lines on the exterior. It was in the interior that these country houses really shone, however.

Later in the 18th century design became more refined. There WAS a passing fashion for Chinese elements in decoration, but on the whole the inspiration was still classical Roman and Greek, fostered by the newly excavated remains of buildings at Pompeii.

This “Classical Revival” period IS CHARACTERISED by superb craftsmanship and design. From the foundations to the tiniest detail of decoration you can see sophisticated, elegant excellence.

Among the best country houses of this later period is Harewood House, home to the Queen’s cousin, the Earl of Harewood, PROVIDES a great day out for all the family.

It is set in spectacular landscaped grounds, which include formal gardens and gentle woodland walks, a Bhutanese Stupa, waterfall and Himalayan Garden.