Упражнение 81 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на грамматическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Tea — the World’s Favourite Drink

Tea is by far the most popular drink consumed in Britain today, with over 165,000,000 cups| being drunk in the UK every single day of the year. The British have been drinking tea for ___NEAR___ 400 years.

The first tea imported into Great Britain in the 16th century was ‘green’. But since the nineteenth century ‘black’ tea is by far the most ___WIDE___ drunk tea.

Tea was once a luxury product that only the rich could afford (in the late 1500s). Tea breaks are traditions that have been with people for approximately 200 years. Initially when workers commenced their day at around 5 or 6′ am, employers allowed a break in the morning when food and tea ___SERVE___ . Three hundred years later people from all classes started drinking it.

Making a proper cup of tea is easy. You need some loose black tea (of a blend of your choice), a teapot, and ___BOIL___ hot water. A traditional British cup of tea is certain to have bits of tea leaves on the bottom of the cup.

Here’s how to make one: Put one teaspoon of tea per cup (plus one extra for the pot!) into a warmed teapot. Fill with freshly boiled water and stir a few seconds with a tall spoon to ‘elevate’ the tea. Allow the tea to steep for 2-5 minutes.

The tea will get ___STRONG___ the longer it steeps. Stir again before pouring.

Most Britons add milk to their tea. A habit which began when tea was thought to be bad for your health; so milk __ADD__, in an attempt to make it ‘healthier’. Hardly anyone adds lemon!

Nowadays scientists say that tea with milk provides lb‘% of daily calcium requirement in 4 cups. Tea ___CONTAIN___ some zinc and folic acid. Tea is a rich source of minerals manganese, essential for bone growth and body development, and potassium, vital for maintaining body fluid levels.

Tea — the World’s Favourite Drink

Tea is by far the most popular drink consumed in Britain today, with over 165,000,000 cups| being drunk in the UK every single day of the year. The British have been drinking tea for NEARLY 400 years.

The first tea imported into Great Britain in the 16th century was ‘green’. But since the nineteenth century ‘black’ tea is by far the most WIDELY drunk tea.

Tea was once a luxury product that only the rich could afford (in the late 1500s). Tea breaks are traditions that have been with people for approximately 200 years. Initially when workers commenced their day at around 5 or 6′ am, employers allowed a break in the morning when food and tea WERE SERVED . Three hundred years later people from all classes started drinking it.

Making a proper cup of tea is easy. You need some loose black tea (of a blend of your choice), a teapot, and BOILING hot water. A traditional British cup of tea is certain to have bits of tea leaves on the bottom of the cup.

Here’s how to make one: Put one teaspoon of tea per cup (plus one extra for the pot!) into a warmed teapot. Fill with freshly boiled water and stir a few seconds with a tall spoon to ‘elevate’ the tea. Allow the tea to steep for 2-5 minutes.

The tea will get STRONGER the longer it steeps. Stir again before pouring.

Most Britons add milk to their tea. A habit which began when tea was thought to be bad for your health; so milk WAS ADDED, in an attempt to make it ‘healthier’. Hardly anyone adds lemon!

Nowadays scientists say that tea with milk provides lb‘% of daily calcium requirement in 4 cups. Tea CONTAINS some zinc and folic acid. Tea is a rich source of minerals manganese, essential for bone growth and body development, and potassium, vital for maintaining body fluid levels.