Упражнение 71 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

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The Kookaburra

The Kookaburra’s rolling, laughing call is one of the __RECOGNIZABLE__ sounds in the animal world.

The birds raise a wild chorus of crazy laughter just as dawn breaks, that is why in the hinterlands of Australia they __KNOW__ as the ‘bushman’s clock.’

Australians value the Kookaburra, not only as an intriguing member of the strange fauna, but for its habit of __FEED__ on snakes and lizards.

Last week wildlife carers in far north Queensland __FIND__ a pair of albino blue-winged kookaburras and handed them into Eagles New Wildlife Hospital.

While there are some albino laughing kookaburras at zoos, there __NEVER BE__ a blue-winged albino. Mr. Kunz, the founder of the Hospital, says it is a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ discovery.

‘Because they can’t see properly, the baby kookaburras have problems finding food,’ he said. ‘So now we __FEED__ them by hand.’

Mr. Kunz added that soon the birds __TEACH__ to hunt their own food at the wildlife sanctuary.

The Kookaburra

The Kookaburra’s rolling, laughing call is one of the MOST RECOGNIZABLE sounds in the animal world.

The birds raise a wild chorus of crazy laughter just as dawn breaks, that is why in the hinterlands of Australia they ARE KNOWN as the ‘bushman’s clock.’

Australians value the Kookaburra, not only as an intriguing member of the strange fauna, but for its habit of FEEDING on snakes and lizards.

Last week wildlife carers in far north Queensland FOUND a pair of albino blue-winged kookaburras and handed them into Eagles New Wildlife Hospital.

While there are some albino laughing kookaburras at zoos, there HAS NEVER BEEN a blue-winged albino. Mr. Kunz, the founder of the Hospital, says it is a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ discovery.

‘Because they can’t see properly, the baby kookaburras have problems finding food,’ he said. ‘So now we ARE FEEDING them by hand.’

Mr. Kunz added that soon the birds WOULD BE TAUGHT to hunt their own food at the wildlife sanctuary.