Упражнение 66 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на грамматическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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A Real Millionaire Next Door

Kris and I love our neighbourhood. One of our favourite neighbours is John. John is a 70-year-old retired school teacher who lives in a modest ranch house. He __HAVE__ the same house for over forty years.

John spends his winters in New Zealand helping friends on a dairy farm.

His summers __SPEND__ fishing in Alaska. Year-round, he rents his house to boarders. For a couple of months each year, he’s home. He leads a very active retirement.

John __WORK__ in the yard the other day when I returned from a trip to the book store.

‘What books (you) __BUY__?’ he asked by way of conversation.

‘Nothing much,’ I said. ‘Just a few books on personal finance.’ ‘That’s great,’ he smiled. ‘I’m glad to see that you are interested in investing.’ ‘Let me tell you something,’ he added. ‘I was a school teacher and I __NOT HAVE__ a big salary. But I saved what I could, and I invested it. I got a little luck, but mostly I just kept putting the money away.

(You) __KNOW__ how much I have now?’ I shook my head.

‘Over a million dollars,’ he said. ‘ And if you get started now, in a few years you __SAVE__ a lot of money.’

A Real Millionaire Next Door

Kris and I love our neighbourhood. One of our favourite neighbours is John. John is a 70-year-old retired school teacher who lives in a modest ranch house. He HAS HAD the same house for over forty years.

John spends his winters in New Zealand helping friends on a dairy farm.

His summers ARE SPENT fishing in Alaska. Year-round, he rents his house to boarders. For a couple of months each year, he’s home. He leads a very active retirement.

John WAS WORKING in the yard the other day when I returned from a trip to the book store.

‘What books HAVE YOU BOUGHT?’ he asked by way of conversation.

‘Nothing much,’ I said. ‘Just a few books on personal finance.’ ‘That’s great,’ he smiled. ‘I’m glad to see that you are interested in investing.’ ‘Let me tell you something,’ he added. ‘I was a school teacher and I DID NOT HAVE a big salary. But I saved what I could, and I invested it. I got a little luck, but mostly I just kept putting the money away.

DO YOU KNOW how much I have now?’ I shook my head.

‘Over a million dollars,’ he said. ‘ And if you get started now, in a few years you WILL SAVE a lot of money.’