Упражнение 6 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на грамматическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Trans-Siberian Railway

Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railway is a source of great pride for the country. No railway in the world goes ( FAR ) than this one, stretching 9,289 kilometres to connect Moscow with the Russian Far East.

Construction on the line began in 1891 and ended in 1916, at which point Moscow and Vladivostok, a Russian city that lies on the Sea of Japan, ( JOIN ) by a single railway track.

Linking the two sides of the continent meant that development could accelerate in Siberia. Before the railway, rivers were the main form of transport, and in the winter, people rode horse-drawn carriages over ( THEY ) after they had frozen.

Nowadays, the Trans-Siberian Railway gives Russians and foreign travellers the chance to see an enormous part of the Russian countryside. More than that, however, agricultural goods and manufactured products ( TRANSPORT ) across the country on the railway.

Trans-Siberian Railway

Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railway is a source of great pride for the country. No railway in the world goes FARTHER (можно FURTHER) than this one, stretching 9,289 kilometres to connect Moscow with the Russian Far East.

Construction on the line began in 1891 and ended in 1916, at which point Moscow and Vladivostok, a Russian city that lies on the Sea of Japan, WERE JOINED by a single railway track.

Linking the two sides of the continent meant that development could accelerate in Siberia. Before the railway, rivers were the main form of transport, and in the winter, people rode horse-drawn carriages over THEM after they had frozen.

Nowadays, the Trans-Siberian Railway gives Russians and foreign travellers the chance to see an enormous part of the Russian countryside. More than that, however, agricultural goods and manufactured products ARE TRANSPORTED across the country on the railway.