Упражнение 53 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

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Swimming Pools

The first heated swimming pool __CONSTRUCT__ by Gaius Maecenas of Rome in the first century BC.

Swimming pools became popular in Britain in the beginning of the 19th century. By 1837, London authorities __BUILD__ six indoor pools with diving boards.

The __OLD__ surviving swimming club in the world is the Arlington Baths Club in Glasgow. It is still an active club and continues to own its original Victorian building with a large pool.

After the start of modern Olympic Games in 1896, the popularity of swimming pools __TAKE__ off. Nowadays there are lots of different swimming pools, both public and private.

Most __CHILD__ enjoy swimming and swimming pools with their wave-making machines, water slides and tropical vegetation are something unique for them.

If they could, kids __CHOOSE__ to spend their entire summer in the swimming pool.

However, not everyone __HAVE__ their own backyard pool.

Swimming Pools

The first heated swimming pool WAS CONSTRUCTED by Gaius Maecenas of Rome in the first century BC.

Swimming pools became popular in Britain in the beginning of the 19th century. By 1837, London authorities HAD BUILT six indoor pools with diving boards.

The OLDEST surviving swimming club in the world is the Arlington Baths Club in Glasgow. It is still an active club and continues to own its original Victorian building with a large pool.

After the start of modern Olympic Games in 1896, the popularity of swimming pools TOOK off. Nowadays there are lots of different swimming pools, both public and private.

Most CHILDREN enjoy swimming and swimming pools with their wave-making machines, water slides and tropical vegetation are something unique for them.

If they could, kids WOULD CHOOSE to spend their entire summer in the swimming pool.

However, not everyone HAS their own backyard pool.