Упражнение 32 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на грамматическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Shopping Malls

I think I may be allergic to shopping malls. I am not sure if my condition has ever been recorded officially by medical science but I am sure there are ( OTHER ) who suffer as I do.

All I have to do is walk inside one of these awful places and within minutes the artificial “day light” from a thousand “soft” lights ( BEGIN ) to give me a headache.

Then there is the piped music which tunes in and out. ( WALK ) endlessly from shop to shop, my brain slowly turns into a large vegetable.

Christmas is in July and Valentines’ day is in October in these unreal labyrinths. A Christmas gift, paid for in August seems wrong to ( I ).

And surely no one can believe signs that promise the ( BIG ) sale ever virtually every day of the year.

Shopping should be exciting in my opinion with fresh sites and beautiful goods to buy. Instead it feels much ( CLOSE ) to being in a strange parallel universe.

Worst still is trying to leave. I can never find my way out to fresh air and daylight. I wonder if some poor souls remain ( TRAP ) down there for weeks on end.

Shopping Malls

I think I may be allergic to shopping malls. I am not sure if my condition has ever been recorded officially by medical science but I am sure there are OTHERS who suffer as I do.

All I have to do is walk inside one of these awful places and within minutes the artificial “day light” from a thousand “soft” lights BEGINS to give me a headache.

Then there is the piped music which tunes in and out. WALKING endlessly from shop to shop, my brain slowly turns into a large vegetable.

Christmas is in July and Valentines’ day is in October in these unreal labyrinths. A Christmas gift, paid for in August seems wrong to ME.

And surely no one can believe signs that promise the BIGGEST sale ever virtually every day of the year.

Shopping should be exciting in my opinion with fresh sites and beautiful goods to buy. Instead it feels much CLOSER to being in a strange parallel universe.

Worst still is trying to leave. I can never find my way out to fresh air and daylight. I wonder if some poor souls remain TRAPPED down there for weeks on end.