Упражнение 26 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на грамматическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Where ships go to die

We might not think about it much, but most of us owe a lot to the shipping industry. Almost anyone who ( BUY ) a car, clothes or furniture recently has benefitted from the industry, because it is the cheapest way to transport goods.

No matter where a ship has sailed during its life, most ships ( SEND ) to South Asia when they are no longer usable. India, Bangladesh and Pakistan alone take up to 70% of worn-out ships.

The ships rest along the shoreline, where workers climb on them and take them apart piece by piece. In 2012, observers recorded that 365 ships ( LIE ) on beaches in this region.

The work is quite dangerous, and occasionally, workers lose ( THEY ) lives. More must be done to make this work safe.

Where ships go to die

We might not think about it much, but most of us owe a lot to the shipping industry. Almost anyone who HAS BOUGHT a car, clothes or furniture recently has benefitted from the industry, because it is the cheapest way to transport goods.

No matter where a ship has sailed during its life, most ships ARE SENT to South Asia when they are no longer usable. India, Bangladesh and Pakistan alone take up to 70% of worn-out ships.

The ships rest along the shoreline, where workers climb on them and take them apart piece by piece. In 2012, observers recorded that 365 ships WERE LYING on beaches in this region.

The work is quite dangerous, and occasionally, workers lose THEIR lives. More must be done to make this work safe.