Упражнение 22 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

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Russian vinaigrette

Russian vinaigrette is a type of salad common in Russia, which consists of diced carrots, beetroot and potatoes as well as chopped onions and sometimes sauerkraut. Vinaigrette dressing, from which the salad gets ( IT ) name, is poured over the top.

The salad was adapted from European recipes that were popular in the 19th century. However, it is now ( WIDELY ) eaten in Russia than in western Europe.

The salad often appears at celebrations alongside other small dishes, such as cold cuts, cheeses, canapes and open sandwiches. Usually ( THIS ) dishes are laid on the table before the guests arrive.

The colourful salad is low in calories and full of nutrients, so it ( RECOMMEND ) for anyone who is on a diet or is just keen to eat healthily.

Russian vinaigrette

Russian vinaigrette is a type of salad common in Russia, which consists of diced carrots, beetroot and potatoes as well as chopped onions and sometimes sauerkraut. Vinaigrette dressing, from which the salad gets ITS name, is poured over the top.

The salad was adapted from European recipes that were popular in the 19th century. However, it is now MORE WIDELY eaten in Russia than in western Europe.

The salad often appears at celebrations alongside other small dishes, such as cold cuts, cheeses, canapes and open sandwiches. Usually THESE dishes are laid on the table before the guests arrive.

The colourful salad is low in calories and full of nutrients, so it IS RECOMMENDED for anyone who is on a diet or is just keen to eat healthily.