Английский текст для чтения – 9

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George Washington, commonly called the father of his country, was born in 1732. The son of a wealthy Virginia planter, he was privately educated and trained to be a surveyor. But as an officer in the French and Indian War, he became interested in military leadership.

In 1759, Washington married a rich widow named Martha Custis, who later became famous as a gracious hostess in the first president’s home. After his marriage, he returned to his Virginia plantation, Mount Vernon, to live the life of a gentleman farmer. He also became involved in colonial opposition to British policies in America.

By 1775, relations with England had become so bad that the colonists were ready to fight for their independence. The Continental Congress named Washington commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army. His job was very difficult, since his army was small, poorly fed, and inadequately clothed. The men suffered greatly during terribly cold winters. While begging for more men and supplies, Washington had to fight the Revolutionary War with poorly equipped, untrained soldiers. He never asked for and never received any salary for the job he performed. In fact, he often spent his own money to buy clothing for his men and send aid to their fami lies. Washington brought to the battlefield great military ability and a noble character.

Washington was the first man not a king whose birthday was publicly celebrated during his lifetime. Before the colonies declared their independence, celebrations honouring the birthdays of British rulers were customary. After the Declaration of Independence, the American people ignored royal birthdays and began instead to celebrate General Washington’s birthday.

When the war ended in 1783, Washington eagerly returned to Mount Vernon. But his peaceful retirement was interrupted when he was unanimously chosen first president of the United States. He took office in 1789 and was reclected in 1792. In 1796 he refused a third term and retired from political life. He died two years later and was buried at Mount Vernon, which one million tourists visit every year. Shortly after his death, Washington was praised in these famous words: “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”

To many Americans, Washington symbolizes dignity, statesmanship, and, above all, honesty. The famous cherry tree story, which was invented by Washington’s first biographer, has become a lesson in morals for all American schoolchildren. Because of this story, traditional desserts on Washington’s Birthday are cherry pie or a log-shaped cake decorated with cherries.

George Washington, commonly called the father of his country, was born in 1732. The son of a wealthy Virginia planter, he was privately educated and trained to be a surveyor. But as an officer in the French and Indian War, he became interested in military leadership. Джордж Вашингтон, обычно называемый отцом нашей страны, родился в 1732 году.  Будучи сыном богатого плантатора из Вирджинии, он получил частное образование в качестве землемера. Но став офицером во франко-индийской войне, он заинтересовался военным командованием.
In 1759, Washington married a rich widow named Martha Custis, who later became famous as a gracious hostess in the first president’s home. After his marriage, he returned to his Virginia plantation, Mount Vernon, to live the life of a gentleman farmer. He also became involved in colonial opposition to British policies in America. В 1759 году Вашингтон женился на богатой вдове по имени Марта Кастис, которая позже стала известна как милостивая хозяйка дома первого президента. После женитьбы он вернулся на плантацию в Вирджинии, Маунт-Вернон, чтобы жить жизнью достопочтенного фермера. Он также участвовал в сопротивлении колоний британской политике в Америке.
By 1775, relations with England had become so bad that the colonists were ready to fight for their independence. The Continental Congress named Washington commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army. В 1775 году отношения с Англией стали настолько плохими, что колонисты были готовы сражаться за свою независимость. Континентальный Конгресс назначил Вашингтона главнокомандующим революционной армией.
His job was very difficult, since his army was small, poorly fed, and inadequately clothed. The men suffered greatly during terribly cold winters. While begging for more men and supplies, Washington had to fight the Revolutionary War with poorly equipped, untrained soldiers. Его работа была очень трудной, так как его армия была маленькой, плохо снабжаема питанием и несоответственно одета. Солдаты ужасно страдали во время холодных зим. Требуя больше солдат и снабжения, Вашингтону пришлось вести революционную войну с плохо обмундированными и не обученными солдатами.
He never asked for and never received any salary for the job he performed. In fact, he often spent his own money to buy clothing for his men and send aid to their families. Washington brought to the battlefield great military ability and a noble character. Он никогда не просил и никогда не получал никакой зарплаты за ту работу, которую выполнял. На самом деле он часто тратил свои собственные деньги для покупки одежды для своих солдат и помощи их семьям. Вашингтон проявил на поле боя военные способности и благородный характер.
Washington was the first man not a king whose birthday was publicly celebrated during his lifetime. Before the colonies declared their independence, celebrations honouring the birthdays of British rulers were customary. Вашингтон был первым человеком, не монархом, чье день рождение всенародно праздновалось на протяжение его жизни. До того как колонии объявили о своей независимости, привычными были праздничные мероприятия в честь дня рождения британских монархов.
After the Declaration of Independence, the American people ignored royal birthdays and began instead to celebrate General Washington’s birthday. После объявления независимости американский народ игнорировал дни рождения британских королей и начал отмечать день рождения генерала Вашингтона.
When the war ended in 1783, Washington eagerly returned to Mount Vernon. But his peaceful retirement was interrupted when he was unanimously chosen first president of the United States. После окончания войны в 1783 году Вашингтон охотно вернулся  в Маунт-Вернон. Но его мирная отставка была прервана, когда он единодушно был избран первым президентом Соединенных Штатов.
He took office in 1789 and was reclected in 1792. In 1796 he refused a third term and retired from political life. He died two years later and was buried at Mount Vernon, which one million tourists visit every year. Он вступил в должность в 1789 году и был переизбран в 1792-м. В 1796 он отказался от третьего срока и отошел от политической жизни. Он умер два года спустя и был похоронен в Маунт-Верноне, который посещают миллион туристов каждый год.
Shortly after his death, Washington was praised in these famous words: “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” Вскоре после смерти Вашингтон был прославлен в словах: “Первый на войне, первый в мире и первый с сердцах соотечественников”.
To many Americans, Washington symbolizes dignity, statesmanship, and, above all, honesty. The famous cherry tree story, which was invented by Washington’s first biographer, has become a lesson in morals for all American schoolchildren. Для многих американцев Вашингтон символизирует достоинство, государственный ум и, прежде всего, честность. Знаменитый рассказ о Вашингтоне и вишневом дереве, написанный первым биографом Вашингтона, стал уроком морали для всех американских школьников.
Because of this story, traditional desserts on Washington’s Birthday are cherry pie or a log-shaped cake decorated with cherries. Из-за этого рассказа традиционным десертом на День рождения Вашингтона стал вишневый пирог или торт в виде бревна, украшенный вишенками.

After “The US.A. Customs and Institutions” by E. and M. Tiersky