Английские пословицы о семье и детях

Пословицы на английском языке с переводом и комментарием, посвященные семье и детям.

Birds in their little nests agree.
Любовь да совет — так и горя нет.
Где мир и лад, там и божья благодать.
На что и клад, коли в семье лад.

(The practical application of the proverb is that if they don’t agree some hapless nestling is going to be pushed out and killed. The same applies in a figurative sense to human families and communities. If human families wish to be happy they must live together in harmony.)

Blood is thicker than water.
Родной куст и зайцу дорог.
Ссора в своей семье до первого взгляда.
Что за счёты, что нам считаться. Свои люди — сочтёмся.
Свой своему поневоле друг.

(Family relationships are usually stronger than other types of relationships. Unlike blood, water soon evaporates when it is spilt, and leaves no trace afterwards. Figuratively ‘blood’ means ‘relationship’. The interest we take in those not so close to us as blood relations can be compared to water, which is thinner and less enduring.)

The child is father of the man.
The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day.
Каков родился, таков и есть.
Каков в колыбельку, таков и в могилку.
Какова пашня, таково и брашно.
В молоке не было, и в сыворотке не найдёшь.

(By studying the character of a child we can tell what sort of a man he is going to be.)

He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin.
Дочку сватать — за матушкой волочиться.

(Most mothers exercise a considerable influence over their daughters, so to gain the goodwill of the mother is an important step towards marrying the daughter.)

A house divided against itself cannot stand.
He будет добра, коли меж своими вражда.

(Discord breaks up families.)

He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune.
Мотоват, да не женат, одному себе внаклад.
Одна голова не бедна, а и бедна, да одна.

(A man with a wife and family cannot be so adventurous, or take so many chances, as an unmarried man. ‘Hostages to fortune’ are persons or things that one may lose.)

He travels the fastest who travels alone.
Один скачет, один и плачет, а все один (беззаботно).

(An ambitious man can get along much better when he is not hampered by a wife and family, or by friends who hold him back.)

It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.
Худо мужу тому, у которого жена большая в дому.
Жене спускать — добра не видать.
Кто жене волю даёт, тот сам себя бьёт.

(No home is happy in which the husband is such a weakling that it is his wife who gives all the orders.)

Like father, like son.
Яблоко от яблоньки не далеко откатывается.
Мимо яблоньки яблочко не падает.
Не растут на ели яблочки, а шишки.
Каков корень, таков и отпрыск.

(Many sons take after their fathers, not only in looks but also in character.)

Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.
Жениться — не лапоть надеть.
Жениться недолго, да бог накажет, долго жить прикажет.

(You will have plenty of time to regret that you were in too much of a hurry to get married.)

Spare the rod and spoil the child.
He учили, когда поперёк лавки ложился, а во всю вытянулся, так не научишь.
Наказуй детей в юности, успокоят тя на старости.

(It does not improve a child’s character if he is not punished when he has done wrong.)

Wedlock is a padlock.
Женился — на век заложился.
Женитьба есть, а разженитьбы нет.

(Wedlock is the married slate, in which you are imprisoned as by a padlock. There is no escape!)

What is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh.
Отец рыбак, и дети в воду глядят.
Одного завода, такова и порода.
Не в пень-колоду, в свою породу.
Каково семя, таково и племя.

(We inherit certain characteristics from our ancestors, and the same characteristics will be inherited from us by our descendants.)