Английские пословицы о любви и дружбе

Пословицы на английском языке с переводом и комментарием, посвященные любви и дружбе.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Реже видишь — больше любишь.
Его милее нет, когда он уйдёт.

(We feel more affection for our relatives and friends when we are parted from them.)

Birds of a feather flock together.
Поп попа, дурак дурака и знают.

(The proverb is often used about people who are disapproved of. ‘Of a feather’ means ‘of the same kind or family’, and ‘flock’ means ‘to feed or travel in company’. Human beings with similar tastes or interests tend to come together in groups.)

Like will to like.
Свой своего знает (видит) издалека.

Men are known by the company they keep.
Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.

(People tend to seek the company of those whose tastes or interests are similar to their own.)

A constant guest is never welcome.
Редко видишь — больше любишь.

(People are apt to grow to dislike their friends’ company if their friends come too often.)

Do not wear out your welcome.
Пора гостям и честь знать,

(People are apt to grow to dislike their friends’ company if their friends stay too long.)

Do not put new wine into old bottles.
He годится к страже вор, а дурак — на разговор.
Пустили козла в огород.

(We should not try to bring together things that are out of keeping with each other. To play dance music at a funeral is to put new wine into old bottles.)

Every Jack must have his Jill.
Всякая невеста для своего жениха родится.
Кому невеста годится, для того и родится.

(Everyone gets a mate in the end. Jack and Jill here stand for man and woman.)

Faint heart ne’er won fair lady.
В баню идти — пару не бояться.

(These are words of encouragement to shy suitors. They recommend boldness.)

None but the brave deserves the fair.
Бояться волков — быть без грибов.

(You have to act boldly to win the girl you love.)

A friend in need is а friend indeed.
Друг познаётся в несчастье.

(Your real friends are those who remain your friends when you are really in need of help.)

He that hath a full purse never wanted a friend.
Много друзей, коли денежки есть.
Были бы бумажки, будут и милашки.

(Because a man is rich, he never lacks flatterers and yes-men. Here ‘wanted’ means ‘lacked’.)

A hedge between keeps friendship green.
Good fences make good neighbours.
Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your fence.

На частую дружбу часто (чаще) раздружье.
С соседом дружись, а тын (забор) городи.

(We remain better friends if we don’t see too much of one another. Hedges or fences are not just physical barriers; they are a reminder that a good neighbour should never be obtrusive.)

Love me little, love me long.
Миловались долго, да расстались скоро.
Скоро хотелось, скорей того приелось.

(Mild affection is more likely to be long-lived. Do not let your passion for a person become too strong, for it may soon bum itself out.)

Lend your money and lose your friend.
When I lent I had a friend; when I asked he was unkind.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

В долг давать — дружбу терять.

(Your friend will avoid you if he finds himself unable to repay the debt. He may well say bad things about you to justify his conduct. If you borrow money from a friend you may not be able to repay it and this will spoil the friendship. If you lend a friend money you may have to ask him to repay it, and this too will spoil the friendship.)

Out of sight, out of mind.
С глаз долой — из сердца вон.

(Absent friends are soon forgotten as we cease to worry about anything that can no longer be seen.)

Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.
Без беды друга не узнаешь.
Друг познаётся при рати да при беде.
Скатерть со стола — и дружба сплыла.

(It is not until a rich man has come down in the world that he knows who are his real friends.)

The rotten apple injures its neighbours.
Одна паршивая (шелудивая, своробливая) овца все стадо испортит.
От одного порченного яблока целый воз загнивает.

(One person can have a very bad influence on others.)

The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it.
Была корова — так чёрт бы её драл, а издохла, так и к молоку добра была.

(It is only when we have been deprived of something that we appreciate the true value of it.)