
Упражнение на Complex Subject (сложное подлежащее, именительный падеж с инфинитивом).

Замените сложные предложения простыми при помощи оборота «именительный падеж с инфинитивом» и переведите на русский язык:


1. It is known that he is a great book-lover.
2. It was reported that many buildings had been damaged by the fire.
3. It is reported that the delegation has left London.
4. It is expected that many people will attend the meeting.
5. It is said that the expedition has reached Murmansk.

1. It is known that he is a great book-lover.
Не is known to be a great book-lover. — Известно, что он большой любитель книг.

2. It was reported that many buildings had been damaged by the fire.
Many buildings were reported to have been damaged by the fire. — Многие здания, как сообщали, были повреждены огнем.

3. It is reported that the delegation has left London.
The delegation is reported to have left London. — Сообщают, что делегация выехала из Лондона.

4. It is expected that many people will attend the meeting.
Many people are expected to attend the meeting. — Ожидают, что много народу будет присутствовать на собрании.

5. It is said that the expedition has reached Murmansk.
The expedition is said to have reached Murmansk. — Говорят, что экспедиция приехала в Мурманск.