
Упражнение на Complex Subject (сложное подлежащее, именительный падеж с инфинитивом).

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1. They are likely to take part in this party.
2. He is sure to enjoy himself at the disco.
3. The vessel is not likely to arrive at the port of destination before the 1st of October.
4. The matter will be discussed at the conference likely to be called next month.

1. They are likely to take part in this party. – Вероятно, они примут участие в этой вечеринке.
2. He is sure to enjoy himself at the disco. – Ему, наверное (несомненно), понравится на дискотеке.
3. The vessel is not likely to arrive at the port of destination before the 1st of October. – Вряд ли транспорт прибудет в порт назначения до 1 октября.
4. The matter will be discussed at the conference likely to be called next month. – Вопрос будет обсуждаться на конференции, которая, вероятно, состоится в следующем месяце.