
Упражнение на предлоги in, at.

Вставьте верный предлог: in, at.


1. Are you ___ home or ___ work?
2. Are there cactus plants ___ your room?
3. Music concerts are sometimes held ___ the stadium.
4. There are a lot of modern stadiums ___ Europe.
5. What is on ___ the cinema tonight?
6. What’s on ___ the theatre?
7. How many rooms are there ___ your country house?
8. Do your friends often stay ___ you in summer?
9. There is a huge goldfish aquarium ___ our office.
10. Usually we have lunch ___ the office kitchen.
11. Is your work table located ___ the window ___ your office room?
12. My aunt is staying ___ the hospital after the heart attack.
13. We are going to visit the aunt, we’ll be ___ the hospital at 6 p.m. tonight.
14. How many stores are there ___ the Empire State Building?
15. Are you waiting for me ___ the entrance or ___ the exit of the building?
16. Where are you standing ___ a queue?

1. Are you at home or at work? — Ты дома или на работе?

2. Are there cactus plants in your room? — В твоей комнате есть кактусы?

3. Music concerts are sometimes held at the stadium. — На стадионе иногда проводятся музыкальные концерты.

4. There are a lot of modern stadiums in Europe. — В Европе есть много современных стадионов.

5. What is on at the cinema tonight? — Что сегодня идет в кино?

6. What’s on at the theatre? — Что сегодня идет в театре?

7. How many rooms are there in your country house? — Сколько комнат в твоем загородном доме?

8. Do your friends often stay at you in summer? — Твой друг часто останавливается у тебя дома летом?

9. There is a huge goldfish aquarium at our office. — В нашем офисе есть огромный аквариум с золотыми рыбками.

10. Usually we have lunch in the office kitchen. — Обычно мы обедаем на офисной кухне.

11. Is your work table located at the window in your office room? — Твой рабочий стол находится у окна в твоем офисном кабинете?

12. My aunt is staying in the hospital after the heart attack. — Моя тетя находится в больнице после инфаркта.

13. We are going to visit the aunt, we’ll be at the hospital at 6 p.m. tonight. — Мы собираемся навестить тетя, мы будем в больнице в 6 часов вечера.

14. How many stores are there in the Empire State Building? — Сколько этажей в Эмпаир Стейт Билдинг?

15. Are you waiting for me at the entrance or at the exit of the building? — Ты ждешь меня у входа или у выхода здания?

16. Where are you standing in a queue? — Ты где стоишь в очереди?