Интенсив по английскому словообразованию

Практикуем английское словообразование во всех деталях.

От данных слов образуйте другие слова, подходящие к контексту.


1) Charlotte Bronte, one of the finest English (novel) of the last century was born in 1816 and died in 1855, after the (publish) of her three novels. “Jane Eyre” was Charlotte’s second novel and was (immediate) popular. What I like about Jane Eyre is the (describe) of a young girl’s struggle for freedom and (depend).

2) It is only two hours before (depart) time and I still haven’t set off for the airport although the ticket (inform) says I’m supposed to be there at least one and a half hours before the (fly) is due to take off. To say (honest) I have always considered this policy totally (necessity) and so I’m going to come to the airport as late as I can.

3) I’m lucky enough to have a friend who is a (gift) pianist. As a (profession) musician she strongly believes that musical (able) is something you learn, but not something you are born with. She thinks that (industry) students can improve their musical ear (enormous).

4) You must take into (consider) that the process of computerization is growing (rapid) nowadays. Today computers are used in every (busy). Without a good (know) of computers you can’t expect to find (employ) these days.

5) Sondra had a very (fortune) year, (particular) after she was given a promotion in the summer. She had worked very hard all year and even though she was rather (exhaust) it was worthwhile. After being given a rise she obtained a lot more (responsible) than before. Besides Sondra had got more (free) to do what she thought necessary.

6) On 5 November there is a popular (celebrate) in Britain. Bonfires are lit and (explode) can be heard here and there. There is a (history) reason for this. On 5 November 1605 Guy Fawkes had planned to blow up the king and the members of his (govern). The crime was prevented before it could be carried out but the (crime) has been remembered since then.

6) On 5 November there is a popular celebration in Britain. Bonfires are lit and explosions can be heard here and there. There is a historical reason for this. On 5 November 1605 Guy Fawkes had planned to blow up the king and the members of his government. The crime was prevented before it could be carried out but the criminal has been remembered since then.

7). In 1879 the Cadbury family set up a chocolate factory in Bournville. They used their (know) to modernize methods of chocolate (produce) and packaging. These methods were so (effect) that the factory became (succeed) almost overnight. The great (achieve) of the Cadburys are remembered whenever one steps inside a sweetshop.

8) I’m so excited that I really don’t know what to say. Of course, I’m very (gratitude) to my musical teacher for her expert tuition and her (devote) to us, students. Also, I’d like to thank my parents for giving me (encourage) so much. I can say (honest) I wouldn’t have (success) all by myself.

9) Kate Smith is a (medicine) student who travelled by herself for six months in Asia last year. “I wasn’t (fright) by the idea of doing a long trip on my own”, she said. “You have much (free) and you can make your own (decide). At the beginning, though, I (occasion) felt a bit lonely but later on I made many friends and was never by myself’.

10) Many people are (envy) of the rich and famous. They feel that they are (luck) because they are unable to lead the (adventure) lives the rich do, and have to think (proper) about every purchase they make. They would like to have a carefree (live) which is supposedly characteristic of the rich.

11) When I’m asked if cell phones should be allowed in school I always answer: No! You know that authorities have (recent) forbidden the use of cell phones by (motor) because of the risk of accidents. In a classroom, we don’t (typical) have students driving cars, of course, but we conduct a wide variety of (active) that also require much (attentive) from the students as traffic does from a driver.

12) I’ve received (other) letter from my daughter Anne today in which she tells me about her first (impress) of living and studying in Britain. She (special) likes drama classes at college, but finds the social life there a bit (bore). I advised her to make as many friends as she could because it was the best way of not feeling lonely and (come) culture shock.

13) I was (lazy) looking through the small ads in the local newspaper when I saw an (advertise) for a second-hand (process). So I decided to phone to get some (inform) about it. The thing is my computer is not (power) enough to do the project I’m involved in now.

14) Ann read the letter with a (puzzle) expression on her face.

15) You may experience some (comfort) for a few days after the operation.

16) We were (extreme) impressed by the (guide) tour.

17) We were greatly surprised at his (refuse) to help us.

18) Whether you stay or leave is a matter of total (differ) to me.

19) He was (capable) of understanding even the simplest instructions.

20) Judo is an (expensive) sport to take up because the only equipment you need is a special loose fitting suit. It is very (suit) for you to join a club where the (instruct) are (proper) qualified and pay enough attention to (safe). Although judo is a physically (demand) sport which requires a lot of (strong), practice and skill, there are very many people who find it (enjoy) as a means of (relax) in their spare time.

21) What is it that marks out a top (profession) sportsman from the rest? At the very top there is very little (differ) in skill and physical fitness. An enormous amount seems to depend on the person’s self (believe) and their (determine) to win. In doing so they can sometimes forget about the rules of fair play or even take (legal) substances to improve their (perform). This desire to win by all means which is often set in (child) by ambitious parents, is in my opinion, (poison) and (health) . It is very sad to see children unable to accept victory or defeat (grace).

22) Predicting the weather has always been important to our lives since (climate) changes can seriously affect crops and therefore the (produce) of food. Today, forecasters use modern technology in order to increase their (accurate). Knowing what the weather will be like is not only interesting to farmers, it is also relevant to sports enthusiasts such as (ski) and people who live in (mountain) areas. Despite improvements in forecasting, the weather often remains (predict) and this has given forecasters a bad reputation. However, the climate is often so (change) that even experts with the latest (equip) find it impossible to make accurate forecasts.

1) Charlotte Bronte, one of the finest English novelists of the last century was born in 1816 and died in 1855, after the publication of her three novels. “Jane Eyre” was Charlotte’s second novel and was immediately popular. What I like about Jane Eyre is the description of a young girl’s struggle for freedom and independence. — Шарлотта Бронте, одна из самых замечательных романисток прошлого столетия, родилась в 1816 году и умерла в 1855 после публикации своих трех романов. «Джейн Эйр» — был вторым романом Шарлотты, и он стал сразу же популярным. То, что мне нравится в Джейн Эйр, — это описание борьбы девочки за свободу и независимость.

2) It is only two hours before departure time and I still haven’t set off for the airport although the ticket information says I’m supposed to be there at least one and a half hours before the flight is due to take off. To say honestly I have always considered this policy totally unnecessary and so I’m going to come to the airport as late as I can. — Осталось только два часа до вылета, а я все еще не уехал в аэропорт, хотя на билете написано, что должен прибыть, по меньшей мере, за час-полчаса до вылета. Честно сказать, я всегда считал такую политику абсолютно ненужной, поэтому я собираюсь прибыть в аэропорт как можно позднее

3) I’m lucky enough to have a friend who is a gifted pianist. As a professional musician she strongly believes that musical ability is something you learn, but not something you are born with. She thinks that industrious students can improve their musical ear enormously. — Мне весьма повезло с подругой, который является одаренным пианистом. Как профессиональный музыкант она верит, что музыкальная способность — это нечто, чему вы учитесь, но не то, с чем вы рождаетесь. Она думает, что упорные ученики могут очень сильно улучшить свой слух.

4) You must take into consideration that the process of computerization is growing rapidly nowadays. Today computers are used in every business. Without a good knowledge of computers you can’t expect to find employment these days. — Вы должны иметь в виду, что процесс компьютеризации быстро растет сегодня. Сегодня компьютеры используются в каждом деле. Без хорошего знания компьютера вы не можете надеяться на работу в настоящее время.

5) Sondra had a very fortunate year, particularly after she was given a promotion in the summer. She had worked very hard all year and even though she was rather exhausted it was worthwhile. After being given a rise she obtained a lot more responsibility than before. Besides Sondra had got more freedom to do what she thought necessary. — У Сандры был очень счастливый год, особенно после того когда она получила повышение летом. Она очень усердно работала весь год даже и это стоило того, хотя она были и сильно истощена. Получив повышение, она получила и больше ответственности, чем раньше. Кроме того, у Сандры стало больше свободы делать то, что она считала необходимым.

6) On 5 November there is a popular celebration in Britain. Bonfires are lit and explosions can be heard here and there. There is a historical reason for this. On 5 November 1605 Guy Fawkes had planned to blow up the king and the members of his government. The crime was prevented before it could be carried out but the criminal has been remembered since then. — 5-го ноября в Британии отмечается популярный праздник. То там, то здесь зажигаются костры и можно слышать взрывы. Для этого есть историческая причина. 5-го ноября Гай Фокс запланировал подорвать короля и членов правительства. Преступление было предотвращено до того, как оно свершилось, но преступника помнят с тех пор.

7). In 1879 the Cadbury family set up a chocolate factory in Bournville. They used their knowledge to modernize methods of chocolate production and packaging. These methods were so effective that the factory became successful almost overnight. The great achievements of the Cadburys are remembered whenever one steps inside a sweetshop. — В 1897 году семья Кэдбери основало шоколадную фабрику в г. Бурнвилл. Они воспользовались своими знаниями, чтобы модернизировать методы производства шоколада и упаковки. Эти методы были настолько эффективны, что фабрика стала популярной буквально за одну ночь.

8) I’m so excited that I really don’t know what to say. Of course, I’m very grateful to my musical teacher for her expert tuition and her devotion to us, students. Also, I’d like to thank my parents for giving me encouragement so much. I can say honestly I wouldn’t have succeeded all by myself. — Я так взволнован, что я действительно не знаю, что сказать. Я очень благодарен моему учителю по музыке за ее профессиональное обучение и преданность нам. Также я бы хотел поблагодарить моих родителей за то, что оказали такую сильную поддержку мне. Я могу честно сказать, я сам не добился бы успеха.

9) Kate Smith is a medical student who travelled by herself for six months in Asia last year. “I wasn’t frightened by the idea of doing a long trip on my own”, she said. “You have much freedom and you can make your own decisions. At the beginning, though, I occasionally felt a bit lonely but later on I made many friends and was never by myself’. — Кейт Смит — это студентка-медик, которая самостоятельно путешествовала по Азии в прошлом году. «Я не боялась мысли о продолжительных самостоятельных путешествиях,» — сказала она. «У тебя больше свободы, и ты можешь принимать самостоятельные решения. Хотя в начале время от времени я чувствовала себя немного одинокой, но позже я завела друзей и никогда не оставалась одна».

10) Many people are envious of the rich and famous. They feel that they are unlucky because they are unable to lead the adventurous lives the rich do, and have to think properly about every purchase they make. They would like to have a carefree life (или living) which is supposedly characteristic of the rich. — Многие люди завидуют богатым и знаменитым. Они чувствуют себя несчастливыми, потому что не могут вести увлекательную жизнь, которую ведут богатые, и тщательно вынуждены обдумывать покупки. Они хотел бы вести беззаботную жизнь, которая, как полагают, свойственная богатым.

11) When I’m asked if cell phones should be allowed in school I always answer: No! You know that authorities have recently forbidden the use of cell phones by motorists because of the risk of accidents. In a classroom, we don’t typically have students driving cars, of course, but we conduct a wide variety of activities that also require much attention from the students as traffic does from a driver. — Когда меня спрашивают, нужно ли разрешить сотовые телефоны в школах, я всегда отвечаю «Нет». Вы же знаете, что власти недавно запретили автомобилистам пользоваться сотовыми телефонами из-за риска аварий. Конечно, в классах у нас обычно нет учеников, ездящих на машинах, но у нас есть ряд видов деятельности, которые тоже требуют внимания от учеников, как и дорожное движение требует от водителя.

12) I’ve received another letter from my daughter Anne today in which she tells me about her first impressions of living and studying in Britain. She especially likes drama classes at college, but finds the social life there a bit boring. I advised her to make as many friends as she could because it was the best way of not feeling lonely and overcome culture shock. — Сегодня я получила еще одно письмо от моей дочери Анны, в котором она пишет мне о своих первых впечатлениях от жизни и учебы в Британии. В колледже ей особенно нравятся уроки драмы, но общественную жизнь она находит немного скучной.

13) I was lazily looking through the small ads in the local newspaper when I saw an advertisement for a second-hand processor. So I decided to phone to get some information about it. The thing is my computer is not powerful enough to do the project I’m involved in now. — Я лениво просматривал небольшие объявления в местной газете, когда увидел объявление о продаже б/у процессора. Поэтому я решил позвонить, чтобы получить больше информации о нем. Дело в том, что мой компьютер недостаточно мощный.

14) Ann read the letter with a puzzled expression on her face. — Анна читала письмо с озадаченным выражением лица.

15) You may experience some discomfort for a few days after the operation. — После операции ты можешь ощущать дискомфорт еще несколько дней.

16) We were extremely impressed by the guided tour. — МЫ были крайне впечатлены экскурсией.

17) We were greatly surprised at his refusal to help us. — Мы были крайне удивлены его отказом помочь нам.

18) Whether you stay or leave is a matter of total indifference to me. — Останешься ли ты или уйдешь — мне все равно.

19) He was incapable of understanding even the simplest instructions. — Казалось он не понимал даже простейших инструкций.

20) Judo is an inexpensive sport to take up because the only equipment you need is a special loose fitting suit. It is very suitable for you to join a club where the instructors are properly qualified and pay enough attention to safety. Although judo is a physically demanding sport which requires a lot of strength, practice and skill, there are very many people who find it enjoyable as a means of relaxation in their spare time. — Дзюдо — это недорогой вид спорта, которым можно заняться, потому что единственное оснащение, которое вам необходимо, — это свободное кимоно. Для тебя очень удобно вступить в какой-нибудь клуб, где тренеры имеют нужную квалификацию и уделяют достаточно внимания безопасности. Хотя дзюдо — это физически требовательный вид спорта, который требует много силы, практики и навыков, есть много людей, которые находят его приятным в качестве средства расслабления в свободное время.

21) What is it that marks out a top professional sportsman from the rest? At the very top there is very little difference in skill and physical fitness. An enormous amount seems to depend on the person’s self belief and their determination to win. In doing so they can sometimes forget about the rules of fair play or even take illegal substances to improve their performance. This desire to win by all means which is often set in childhood by ambitious parents, is in my opinion, poisonous and unhealthy . It is very sad to see children unable to accept victory or defeat gracefully. — Что именно отличает профессионального спортсмена высшего класса от всех остальных? На высоком уровне ест небольшая разница в навыках и физической форме. Большая часть зависит от веры человека в себя и решимости выиграть. В стремлении к этому они могут иногда забывать правила честной игры и даже принимать запрещенные вещества для улучшения своих показателей. Это желание выиграть любыми средствами, которое часто закладывается в детстве амбициозными родителями, по моему мнению, является ядовитым и нездоровым. Очень печально видеть детей неспособными принять победы или поражение с достоинством.

22) Predicting the weather has always been important to our lives since climatic (или climatical) changes can seriously affect crops and therefore the production of food. Today, forecasters use modern technology in order to increase their accuracy. Knowing what the weather will be like is not only interesting to farmers, it is also relevant to sports enthusiasts such as skiers and people who live in mountainous areas. Despite improvements in forecasting, the weather often remains unpredictable and this has given forecasters a bad reputation. However, the climate is often so changeable that even experts with the latest equipment find it impossible to make accurate forecasts. — Для нашей жизни предсказание погоды всегда было важно, поскольку климатические изменения могут серьезно повлиять на урожай и, вследствие этого, на производство еды. Сегодня прогнозисты используют современную технологию, чтобы увеличить свою точность. Знание того, какой будет погода, интересно не только фермерам, это также важно для любителей спорта, например лыжникам, и людям, которые живут в горных районах. Несмотря на улучшения в прогнозах, погода часто остается непредсказуемой, а это дало прогнозистам плохую репутацию. Однако, климат часто такой изменчивый, что даже эксперты с новейшим оборудованием находят невозможным делать точные прогнозы.