Прокачиваем все детали английского словообразования

Практикуем английское словообразование во всех деталях.

От данных слов образуйте другие слова, подходящие к контексту.


1. There wasn’t much (happy) in his face.
2. He likes books about (to imagine) worlds.
3. Is there any (possible) to finish this work earlier?
4. Your (to describe) of the place helped me to find it.
5. The most (to impress) building in the city is the Cathedral.
6. He was not (to satisfy) with his results.
7. We agreed to meet at the (to enter) to the theatre.
8. What is the greatest (to discover) of the 20th century?
9. The hotel takes no (responsible) for the loss of property.
10. The (important) of this problem is clear to everybody.
11. Are you (interest) in politics?
12. He spoke in a (friend) voice.
13. His stories are full of (beautiful) and love of nature.
14. He won’t come and it’s (use) to ask him another time.
15. The (to prepare) for the party took about two days.
16. He listened to me very (attention).
17. You have a complete (free) of actions.
18. I learnt a (use) lesson from it.
19. Does he understand the (important) of regular studies?
20. Everyone was very (to amuse) when they heard the story.
21. All of them got the (to invite) to the party.
22. Mr. Field is a very (to help) neighbour.
23. Your (to propose) will be taken into consideration.
24. He is an (to know) singer, very few people have heard his songs.
25. Your (to explain) is not very clear to me.
26. They say they are very (comfort) in their new house.
27. I can’t (character) him at all.
28. The (to compare) of the two things showed their difference.
29. What was his (to react) to it?
30. I have some (difficult) with English pronunciation.
31. It’s a very (noise) street.
32. He has passed his exams (success).
33. I’ll never forget your (kind).
34. The boy can (easy) lose his way in this forest.
35. The weather in May here is very (to change).
36. TV (to advertise) are sometimes very silly.
37. He thinks that his ideas are more (progress) than mine.
38. Try to use your (to imagine).
39. Your (to propose) will be thoroughly considered.
40. It was (to surprise) to see her there.
41. The (to agree) was signed by both sides.
42. He has packed all things (care) into the bag.
43. There’s a (possible) of rain, but never mind.
44. The trip was not (to excite) at all.
45. The driver had a (difficult) in controlling the car.
46. Vic sometimes jokes at my (to appear).
47. You are (to satisfy) with your progress, aren’t you?
48. Our journey is (problem) at the moment.
49. The next (champion) in tennis will be held in our city.
50. There is no (certain) that we will be a success.
51. Will you (introduction) yourself, please.
52. It’s an old (to impress) building.
53. When will the (to celebrate) take place?
54. It’s an (industry) part of the city.
55. The (to destroy) of the city was enormous.
56. It is often (to help) to learn the rules.
57. My first (to impress) of him was favourable.
58. Write the words in the (alphabet) order.
59. It’s quite (nature) for you to feel proud.
60. This word is a (science) one.
61. The (memory) in the square is impressive.
62. What is the (high) of this monument?
63. What does one’s (happy) depend on?
64. He is a (rely) neighbour.
65. I felt very (nerve) about it.
66. We have no (certain) of his success.
67. She is a very (talk) person.
68. This factory (product) woolen goods.
69. It was all different from our (expect).
70. She has no (strong) to go upstairs.
71. It was a (courage) action.
72. For some people, air travel is a real (anxious).
73. It’s a good (describe) of the latest methods.
74. Nobody noticed his (disappear).
75. I can’t (definition) the meaning of this word.
76. The (worry) parents waited anxiously for the news.
77. He gave me very (help) advice.
78. The (depart) of the train was delayed.
79. Is that a fair (divide) of work?
80. She (stimulus) us to further efforts.
81. She didn’t make any (impress) progress.
82. (Bored) is the enemy of learning.
83. You must (apology) for being so rude.
84. He listened to my (object) attentively.
85. The (major) of students took the examination successfully.
86. They (success) in completing the project.
87. In his (young) he worked in various jobs.
88. Circumstances do not (permission) me to help you.
89. Learning foreign languages is a strong (necessary) nowadays.
90. (climate) changes seriously affect crops.
91. There are no (mountain) areas in my country.
92. Does he (reality) what I mean?
93. The (popular) of pop music is steadily growing.
94. I always work best under (press).
95. He has (success) in passing all the exams.
96. It’s the most (drama) episode in the book.

1. There wasn’t much happiness in his face. — На его лице не было большого счастья.

2. He likes books about imaginary worlds. — Ему нравятся книги о вымышленных мирах.

3. Is there any possibility to finish this work earlier? — Есть ли какая-нибудь возможность завершить эту работу раньше?

4. Your description of the place helped me to find it. — Твое описание местности помогло мне ее найти.

5. The most impressive building in the city is the Cathedral. — Самое впечатляющее здание в городе — это Собор.

6. He was not satisfied with his results. — Он не был удовлетворен своими результатами.

7. We agreed to meet at the entrance to the theatre. — Мы договорились встретиться у входа в театр.

8. What is the greatest discovery of the 20th century? — Какое самое великое открытие 20-го века?

9. The hotel takes no responsibility for the loss of property. — Гостиница не несет ответственности за потерю вещей.

10. The importance of this problem is clear to everybody. — Важность этой проблемы ясна каждому.

11. Are you interested in politics? — Ты заинтересован в политике?

12. He spoke in a friendly voice. — Он говорил дружественным голосом.

13. His stories are full of beauty and love of nature. — Его истории полны красоты и любовью к природе.

14. He won’t come and it’s useless to ask him another time. — Он не придет, и бесполезно просить его в другой раз.

15. The preparation for the party took about two days. — Подготовка к вечеринке заняла примерно два дня.

16. He listened to me very attentively. — Он слушал меня очень внимательно.

17. You have a complete freedom of actions. — У тебя полная свобода действий.

18. I learnt a useful lesson from it. — Я извлек из этого очень полезный урок.

19. Does he understand the importance of regular studies? — Он понимает важность регулярной учебы?

20. Everyone was very amused when they heard the story. — Каждый очень позабавился, когда услышал эту историю.

21. All of them got the invitation to the party. — Каждый из них получил приглашение на вечеринку.

22. Mr. Field is a very helpful neighbour. — Господин Филд очень услужливый сосед.

23. Your proposal will be taken into consideration. — Твое предложение будет принято во внимание.

24. He is an unknown singer, very few people have heard his songs. — Он неизвестный певец, очень мало людей слышали его песни.

25. Your explanation is not very clear to me. — Твое объяснение не очень ясно для меня.

26. They say they are very comfortable in their new house. — Говорят, что в их новым доме очень комфортно.

27. I can’t characterize him at all. — Я вообще не могу его охарактеризовать.

28. The comparison of the two things showed their difference. — Сравнение двух вещей выявило разницу.

29. What was his reaction to it? — Какова была его реакция на это?

30. I have some difficulties (или difficulty) with English pronunciation. — У меня трудности с английским произношением.

31. It’s a very noisy street. — Это очень шумная улица.

32. He has passed his exams successfully. — Он успешно сдал экзамены.

33. I’ll never forget your kindness. — Я никогда не забуду твою доброту.

34. The boy can easily lose his way in this forest. — В лесу мальчик может легко заблудиться.

35. The weather in May here is very changeable. — Здесь погода очень изменчива в мае.

36. TV advertisements are sometimes very silly. — Телевизионная реклама иногда очень глупая.

37. He thinks that his ideas are more progressive than mine. — Он думает, что его идеи более прогрессивны, чем мои.

38. Try to use your imagination. — Попробуй воспользоваться своим воображением.

39. Your proposal will be thoroughly considered. — Твое предложение будет тщательно обдумано.

40. It was surprising to see her there. — Было удивительно увидеть ее там.

41. The agreement was signed by both sides. — Соглашение было подписано обеими сторонами.

42. He has packed all things carefully into the bag. — Он тщательно упаковал все вещи в сумку.

43. There’s a possibility of rain, but never mind. — Есть вероятность дождя, но ты не бери в голову.

44. The trip was not exciting at all. — Поезда была вообще не интересной.

45. The driver had a difficulty in controlling the car. — Водителю было трудно контролировать машину.

46. Vic sometimes jokes at my appearance. — Вик часто подсмеивается над моей внешностью.

47. You are satisfied with your progress, aren’t you? — Ты удовлетворен своим прогрессом, да?

48. Our journey is problematic (или problematical) at the moment. — В настоящий момент наше путешествие проблематично.

49. The next championship in tennis will be held in our city. — Следующий чемпионат по теннису будет проводиться в нашем городе.

50. There is no certainty that we will be a success. — Нет определенности в том, что мы будем успешны.

51. Will you introduce yourself, please. — Пожалуйста, представьтесь.

52. It’s an old impressive building. — Это старое внушительное здание.

53. When will the celebration take place? — Когда будет празднование?

54. It’s an industrial part of the city. — Это промышленная часть города.

55. The destruction of the city was enormous. — Разрушение города было огромным.

56. It is often helpful to learn the rules. — Учить правила всегда полезно.

57. My first impression of him was favourable. — Мое первое впечатление о нем было благоприятным.

58. Write the words in the alphabetic (или alphabetical) order. — Напишите слово в алфавитном порядке.

59. It’s quite natural for you to feel proud. — Для тебя весьма естественно чувствовать гордость.

60. This word is a scientific one. — Это слово научное.

61. The memorial in the square is impressive. — Мемориал на площади внушителен.

62. What is the height of this monument? — Какова высота этого монумента?

63. What does one’s happiness depend on? — От чего зависит счастье?

64. He is a reliable neighbour. — Он надежный сосед.

65. I felt very nervous about it. — Я нервничаю по этому поводу.

66. We have no certainty of his success. — У нас нет определенности в его успехе.

67. She is a very talkative person. — Он очень разговорчивый человек.

68. This factory produces woolen goods. — Эта фабрика производит шерстяные товары.

69. It was all different from our expectations. — Все это отличалось от наших ожиданий.

70. She has no strength to go upstairs. — У нее нет сил идти наверх.

71. It was a courageous action. — Это был отважный поступок.

72. For some people, air travel is a real anxiety. — Для некоторых людей путешествие на самолете — это настоящее волнение.

73. It’s a good description of the latest methods. — Это хорошее описание самых последних методов.

74. Nobody noticed his disappearance. — Никто не заметил его исчезновения.

75. I can’t define the meaning of this word. — Я не могу определить значение этого слова.

76. The worried parents waited anxiously for the news. — Взволнованные родители взволнованно ждали новостей.

77. He gave me very helpful advice. — Он дал мне очень полезный совет.

78. The departure of the train was delayed. — Отправление поезда было отложено.

79. Is that a fair division of work? — Это справедливое разделение труда?

80. She stimulated (или stimulates) us to further efforts. — Она стимулировала нам (стимулирует) на дальнейшие усилия.

81. She didn’t make any impressive progress. — У нее не было каких-либо внушительных успехов.

82. Boredom is the enemy of learning. — Скука — это враг учебы.

83. You must apologise for being so rude. — Ты должна извиниться за грубость.

84. He listened to my objection (или objections) attentively. — Он внимательно выслушал мое возражение (возражения).

85. The majority of students took the examination successfully. — Большинство студентов успешно сдали экзамены.

86. They succeeded in completing the project. — Им удалось завершить проект успешно.

87. In his youth he worked in various jobs. — В молодости он работал на различных работах.

88. Circumstances do not permit me to help you. — Обстоятельства не позволят мне помочь тебе.

89. Learning foreign languages is a strong necessity nowadays. — Сегодня изучение языков — это необходимость.

90. Climatic (или Climatical) changes seriously affect crops. — Климатические изменения серьезно влияют на урожай.

91. There are no mountainous areas in my country. — В этой стране нет гористых местностей.

92. Does he realize what I mean? — Он понимает, что я имею в виду?

93. The popularity of pop music is steadily growing. — Популярность попмузыки постоянно растет.

94. I always work best under pressure. — Я всегда работаю лучше под давлением.

95. He has succeeded in passing all the exams. — Он успешно сдал все экзамены.

96. It’s the most dramatic episode in the book. — Это самый драматичный эпизод в книге.