Прокачка герундия в английском языке

Отработайте употребление герундия в английском языке.

Используйте правильную форму герундия.


1. It’s no use (to go) into all that now.
2. I think it was like (to swim) and (to catch) in a strong current.
3. He told me of her (to go) to the South for his holiday.
4. Your car requires (to wash).
5. After (to read) this book he returned it to the library.
6. She is fond of (to read) to.
7. He was ashamed of (to be) rude to his sister.
8. I had no difficulty in (to remember) which track to take.
9. I cannot bear (to watch) doing anything so badly.
10. We were crossing the street and the traffic prevented us from (to speak).
11. I do apologise for not (to change), but I was terrified of (to be) late.
12. You can rely on their (to keep) the promise.
13. He didn’t feel like (to work) on a Sunday morning.
14. She gave me the impression of (to be) through much and of (to be) sure of herself.
15. He shook his hand in (to greet).
16. I regret (to tell) him about it.
17. On (to hear) the news, she fell at once into an alarming state of agitation.
18. In spite of myself I could not help (to smile).
19. Lucinda hated (to treat) as if she were a child.
20. Your skirt needs (to clean).
21. After (to read) the novel I was not interested in (to see) the film.
22. She didn’t like (to ask) such questions and abstained from (to answer).
23. Don’t make mistakes in (to fill) up the forms.
24. “I don’t mind (interrupt) while I am talking”, the lecturer said.
25. I felt proud of (to be) of use to her then.

1. It’s no use going into all that now. — Бесполезно вдаваться во все это сейчас.

2. I think it was like swimming and being caught in a strong current. — Я думаю, это похоже на то, как плавать и быть пойманным сильным течением.

3. He told me of her having gone to the South for his holiday. — Он рассказал мне о своей поездке на юг на отдых.

4. Your car requires washing. — Твоя машина требует мытья.

5. After reading this book he returned it to the library. — После прочтения этой книги он вернул ее в библиотеку.

6. She is fond of being read to. — Она любит, когда ей читают.

7. He was ashamed of having been rude to his sister. — ему было стыдно за то, что он был груб со своей сестрой.

8. I had no difficulty in remembering which track to take. — У меня не было трудности с запоминанием дороги.

9. I cannot bear being watched doing anything so badly. — Я терпеть не могу, когда наблюдают за мной так пристально, когда я что-то делаю.

10. We were crossing the street and the traffic prevented us from speaking. — Мы переходили через дорогу, и движение мешало нам разговаривать.

11. I do apologise for not changing (или having changed), but I was terrified of being late. — Я извиняюсь за то, что не переоделся, но я очень боялся опоздать.

12. You can rely on their keeping the promise. — Ты можешь рассчитывать на то, что они сдержат обещание.

13. He didn’t feel like working on a Sunday morning. — Ему не хотелось работать в воскресенье утром.

14. She gave me the impression of having been through much and of being sure of herself. — Она произвела на меня такое впечатление, что она через многое прошла и была уверена в себе.

15. He shook his hand in greeting. — В знак приветствия он пожал руку.

16. I regret telling him about it. — Мне жаль говорить ему об этом.

17. On hearing the news, she fell at once into an alarming state of agitation. — Услышав новости, она сразу же впала в состояние волнения.

18. In spite of myself I could not help smiling. — Наперекор себе я не мог не смеяться.

19. Lucinda hated being treated as if she were a child. — Люсинде не нравилось, когда с ней обращаются, как с ребенком.

20. Your skirt needs cleaning. — Твою юбку нужно почистить.

21. After reading the novel I was not interested in seeing the film. — После прочтения романа мне было интересно увидеть фильм.

22. She didn’t like being asked such questions and abstained from answering. — Ей не нравилось, когда задавали такие вопросы, и она воздерживалась от ответа.

23. Don’t make mistakes in filling up the forms. — Не допускай ошибок при заполнении бланков.

24. “I don’t mind being interrupted while I am talking”, the lecturer said. — «Я не против, если вы будете меня перебивать во время разговора», — сказал лектор.

25. I felt proud of having been of use to her then. — Я гордился тем, что был полезен ей тогда.