
Упражнение на условные предложения в английском языке.

Образуйте условное наклонение третьего типа.


1. If Herbert (have) enough money, he (take) a taxi.
2. If Hugh (go) to art school, he (become) an artist.
3. If Sophia (not, forget) her phone, she (call) Patrice.
4. If I (be born) in Spain, I (speak) Spanish.
5. If children (go) to bed early, they (wake up) at 6.
6. If Priscilla (begin) to sing that time, she (become) a famous singer.
7. If they (go) to the same school, they (can have) the same teachers.
8. If Kyle (know), he (come).
9. If Douglas (become) a musician, he (record) some songs.
10. If Sheila (love) you, she (kiss) you.
11. If you (receive) a message last year, you (know) what to do.
12. If a little boy (see) a dog, he (cry).
13. If Rodrigo (come) to Malaga, he (meet) Yvonne.
14. If I (like) olives, I (may eat) them.
15. If Miguel (go) to the party, he (see) a lot of people.

1. If Herbert had had enough money, he would have taken a taxi.- Если бы у Герберта были деньги, то он бы взят такси.

2. If Hugh had gone to art school, he had become an artist. — Если бы Хью посещал художественную школу, то он стал бы художником.

3. If Sophia hadn’t forgot her phone, she would have called Patrice. — Если бы София не забыла ее номер, то она бы позвонила.

4. If I had been born in Spain, I would have spoken Spanish. — Если бы я родился в Испании, то говорил бы по-испански.

5. If children had gone to bed early, they would have waken up at 6. — Если бы дети пошли спать рано, то они бы проснулись в шесть часов.

6. If Priscilla had begun to sing that time, she would have become a famous singer. — Если бы Присцилла начала петь в то время, она стала бы певицей.

7. If they had gone to the same school, they could have had the same teachers. — Если бы они ходили в одну и ту же школу, то они могли иметь одних и тех же учителей.

8. If Kyle had known, he would have come. — Если бы Кайл знал, то он пришел бы.

9. If Douglas had become a musician, he would have recorded some songs. — Если бы Дуглас стал музыкантом, она бы записала несколько песен.

10. If Sheila had loved you, she would have kissed you. — Если бы Шейла любила тебя, то она бы поцеловала тебя.

11. If you had received a message last year, you would have known what to do. — Если бы в прошлом году вы получили сообщение, то знали бы, что делать.

12. If a little boy had seen a dog, he would have been cried. — Если бы маленький мальчик увидел собаку, то он бы заплакал.

13. If Rodrigo had come to Malaga, he would have met Yvonne. — Если бы Родриго приехал в Малагу, то он бы встретил Ивонну.

14. If I had liked olives, I might have eaten them. — Если бы я любил оливки, я мог бы их съесть.

15. If Miguel had gone to the party, he would have seen a lot of people. — Если бы Мигель уехал на вечеринку, то он увидел бы много людей.