
Упражнение на предлоги among, between.

Вставить предлог among, between, если необходимо.


1. Differences in pronunciation _ British English and American English are numerous.

2. For her there is not much choice _ Paul and Nick.

3. She could see him _ people in the crowd.

4. You may divide this money _ you both.

5. There is an oak tree _ birches and pines near my house.

6. Tom is the smartest _ the other students.

7. There has always been a tough competition _ Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

8. Harvard University comes first _ the other universities of the USA.

9. _ you and me, she is a wicked old gossip.

1. Differences in pronunciation between British English and American English are numerous. — Различия в произношении между Британским английским и Американским английским многочисленны.

2. For her there is not much choice between Paul and Nick. — У нее не большой выбор между Полом и Ником.

3. She could see him among people in the crowd. — Она могла видеть его среди людей в толпе.

4. You may divide this money between you both. — Вы можете поделить эти деньги между вами обоими.

5. There is an oak tree among birches and pines near my house. — Возле моего дома среди берез и сосен растет дуб.

6. Tom is the smartest among the other students. — Том является самым умным среди других студентов.

7. There has always been a tough competition between Coca-Cola and Pepsi. — Между Кока-Колой и Пепси всегда была жесткая конкуренция.

8. Harvard University comes first among the other universities of the USA. — Гарвардский университет занимает первое место среди университетов США.

9. Between you and me, she is a wicked old gossip. — Только между нами — она старая злая сплетница.