Starlight 10, Unit 1.12: все задания с решениями

На этой странице находятся все задания с полными, готовыми решениями из учебника Starlight 10, Unit 1.12.

Ex. 1. What do you know about Jules Verne? What kind of books did he write? Read the biography and check.
Прочитать текст о Жюле Верне.

Jules Verne
Жюль Верн

Jule Verne (1828 – 1905) was a French author who is famous for his science-fiction novels. He wrote exciting adventure stories about space, air and underwater travel. His works include From the Earth to the Moon (1865), 20,000 Leagues under the Sea (1870) and Around the World in Eighty Days (1872). His most famous novel, Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1864), is about a professor and his nephew, Harry, who find directions for getting to the centre of the Earth. Their journey takes them on many exciting adventures with everything from volcanoes and water caverns to sea monsters and cavemen. Жюль Верн (1828 – 1905 гг.) был французским автором, который известен своими научно-фантастическими романами. Он написал увлекательные приключенческие рассказы о путешествиях в космосе, воздушном пространстве и под водой. К его произведениям относятся: “С Земли на Луну” (1865 г.), “Двадцать тысяч льё под водой” (1870 г.) и “Вокруг света за 80 дней” (1872 г.). Его самым известным романом является “Путешествие к центру Земли” (1864 г.) об известном профессоре и его племяннике Гарри, которые находят путь к центру Земли. Их путешествие доставляет им много захватывающих приключений – от вулканов и водных пещер до морских чудовищ и дикарей.

Ex. 3. Read the text again and choose the correct parts of sentences (A-G) to complete gaps 1-6. There is one extra part of a sentence you do not need to use.
Прочитать текст и заполнить пропуски 1-6 фразами (A-G). Одна фраза лишняя.


Journey to the Centre of the Earth

It is difficult for me to tell what the real time was, but I suppose it must have been ten at night. I lay on the raft, almost unconscious, in a sort of half dream. I saw strange visions of huge elephant-like creatures side by side with great sea-monsters 1) ___ .

The raft suddenly turned around on the current and entered another tunnel. A mist seemed to drift from the roof of the tunnel, through which the moonlight shone, casting its brilliant light on our thin, exhausted figures. The light grew brighter as we moved forward, while the roof sloped upward, until at last we floated once more into a vast, water-filled cavern 2) ___ .

At the side of this underground lake, a small cave with a sand-covered floor offered us a place to stop and rest our weary bodies. My uncle and the guide moved as if they were in a dream. I was afraid to wake them, because I knew how dangerous a sudden surprise can be to someone in this state, 3) ___ .

As I did so, something moving in the distance caught my attention. It seemed to be floating on the surface of the water and it was coming toward me. I knew at once that it was something monstrous. It was the size of a whale, with hideous jaws and two gigantic eyes 4) ___ . I tried to stand, to run in any direction, but my knees were shaking too much, and I nearly lost consciousness.

And still the mighty monster advanced, making a strange noise like nothing I had ever heard. His massive jaws and wide-stretched mouth looked large enough to swallow a boatful of men. I discovered that his mouth was like a shark’s, 5) ___ . In order to catch us in his mouth, he had to turn onto his back which made his legs kick up helplessly in the air. I actually laughed, despite the deadly danger. But then, with a wild cry, I ran further into the cave, leaving my companions to their fate.

The cave was deep and dimly lit. After about a hundred steps, I stopped and looked around. The sandy floor of the cave was covered with the bones of reptiles and fish – bones 6) ___ ! I felt sick and my body shook with horror. As the old saying goes, I had ‘fallen out of the frying pan into the fire’. Some beast larger and even more ferocious than the shark-crocodile lived in this cave.

A. which had been freshly chewed
В. which stared fiercely at me as it approached
С. but it was of little or no use
D. whose high roof was hidden in a bright cloud of mist
E. but his body was that of a giant crocodile
F. which were combinations of gigantic fish and animals
G. so I sat down beside them to watch


Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Путешествие к центру Земли

It is difficult for me to tell what the real time was, but I suppose it must have been ten at night. I lay on the raft, almost unconscious, in a sort of half dream. I saw strange visions of huge elephant-like creatures side by side with great sea-monsters which were combinations of gigantic fish and animals. Мне было трудно определить, каково было настоящее время, но я предположу, что должно было быть десять вечера. Я лежал на лодке почти без сознания в некотором подобии сна. Я видел странные видения огромных слоноподобных существ рядом с огромными морскими чудищами, которые представляли собой сочетания гигантских рыб и животных.
The raft suddenly turned around on the current and entered another tunnel. A mist seemed to drift from the roof of the tunnel, through which the moonlight shone, casting its brilliant light on our thin, exhausted figures. The light grew brighter as we moved forward, while the roof sloped upward, until at last we floated once more into a vast, water-filled cavern whose high roof was hidden in a bright cloud of mist. Внезапно плот развернулся на потоке и заплыл в другой туннель. С верха туннеля, казалось, заплывал туман, через который просвечивало солнце, отбрасывая сверкающие лучи на наши худые, изможденные фигуры. Свет становился ярче по мере того, как мы плыли вперед, в то время как верх круто поднимался, пока мы, наконец, не еще раз не приплыли в огромную, наполненную водой полость, чей верх был скрыт в ярком облаке тумана.
At the side of this underground lake, a small cave with a sand-covered floor offered us a place to stop and rest our weary bodies. My uncle and the guide moved as if they were in a dream. I was afraid to wake them, because I knew how dangerous a sudden surprise can be to someone in this state, so I sat down beside them to watch. В стороне от этого подводного озера была пещера с песчаным дном, где мы могли остановиться и дать отдых нашим усталым телам. Мой дядя и проводник двигались так, как будто во сне. Я боялся разбудить их, потому что я знал, насколько опасным был неожиданный сигнал для кого-то в этом состоянии, поэтому я сел рядом с ними для наблюдения.
As I did so, something moving in the distance caught my attention. It seemed to be floating on the surface of the water and it was coming toward me. I knew at once that it was something monstrous. It was the size of a whale, with hideous jaws and two gigantic eyes which stared fiercely at me as it approached. I tried to stand, to run in any direction, but my knees were shaking too much, and I nearly lost consciousness. Когда я это сделал, что-то двигающееся вдали привлекло мое внимание. Казалось, это плыло по поверхности воды и приближалось к нам. Я сразу понял, что это было что-то чудовищное. Оно было размером с кита со страшными челюстями и двумя гигантскими глазами, которые свирепо уставились на меня по мере приближения. Я попытался встать и побежать в каком-нибудь направлении, но мои колени задрожали, и я почти потерял сознание.
And still the mighty monster advanced, making a strange noise like nothing I had ever heard. His massive jaws and wide-stretched mouth looked large enough to swallow a boatful of men. I discovered that his mouth was like a shark’s, but his body was that of a giant crocodile. In order to catch us in his mouth, he had to turn onto his back which made his legs kick up helplessly in the air. I actually laughed, despite the deadly danger. But then, with a wild cry, I ran further into the cave, leaving my companions to their fate. А тем временем могущественный монстр приближался, издавая странный звук, который я никогда раньше не слышал. Его массивные челюсти и широко распахнутая пасть выглядели достаточно большими, чтобы заглотнуть лодку с моряками. Я увидел, что его пасть была похожа на акулью, но тело было как у гигантского крокодила. Чтобы поглотить нас своей пастью, ему пришлось перевернуться на спину, из-за чего его ноги беспомощно оказались в воздухе. Несмотря на реальную угрозу я рассмеялся. Но потом с диким криком я забежал дальше в пещеру, бросив своих компаньонов на произвол судьбы.
The cave was deep and dimly lit. After about a hundred steps, I stopped and looked around. The sandy floor of the cave was covered with the bones of reptiles and fish – bones which had been freshly chewed! I felt sick and my body shook with horror. As the old saying goes, I had ‘fallen out of the frying pan into the fire’. Some beast larger and even more ferocious than the shark-crocodile lived in this cave. Пещера была глубокой и плохо освещенной. После примерно сотни шагов я остановился о осмотрелся. Песчаное дно пещеры было покрыто костями рептилий и рыб – костями, которые были свежеобглоданными! Мне сделалось дурно, и мое тело затряслось от ужаса. Как говорится в старой поговорке, я выпал “из огня да в полымя”. В этой пещере жила какая-то тварь, которая была еще крупнее и злее, чем акула-крокодил.