Spotlight 9, Progress Check 1

На данной странице находятся лексико-грамматические упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 9 из раздела Progress Check 1.


Exercise 1. Fill in: final, display, change, pull, life, parade, raise, won, throwing, place.
Упражнение 1. final, display, change, pull, life, parade, raise, won, throwing, place.


1. The festival included a noisy street ___.
2. Remembrance Day takes ___ on 11 th November.
3. Lots of festivals have a fireworks ___.
4. They worked hard and managed to ___ money for the charity.
5. At La Tomatina you need a spare ___ of clothes.
6. I love to ___ crackers at Christmas.
7. The people were waving and ___ streamers.
8. The Maslenitsa festival is about saying a ___ goodbye to winter.
9. Who ___ the competition?
10. Once a year at Georgetown in the Caribbean, people can experience ___ as a pirate.

1. The festival included a noisy street parade. – Фестиваль включал в себя шумный уличный парад.
2. Remembrance Day takes place on 11th November. – День поминовения проводит 11-го сентября.
3. Lots of festivals have a fireworks display. – НА многих фестивалях пускают фейерверки.
4. They worked hard and managed to raise money for the charity. – Они работали упорно и смогли собрать деньги на благотворительность.
5. At La Tomatina you need a spare change of clothes. – На “Ла Томатина” надо иметь запасную одежду для переодевания.
6. I love to pull crackers at Christmas. – Я люблю на Рождество играть в крекер.
7. The people were waving and throwing streamers. – Люди размахивали и подбрасывали вымпелы.
8. The Maslenitsa festival is about saying a final goodbye to winter. – Смысл Масленицы заключается в том, чтобы сказать последнее “прощай” зиме.
9. Who won the competition? – Кто выиграл соревнования?
10. Once a year at Georgetown in the Caribbean, people can experience life as a pirate. – Раз в год в Джорджтауне на Каррибских островах люди могут испытать жизнь пирата.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets.
Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в правильное настоящее время.


1. What (you/do) so far for the party?
2. Helen (not/believe) in ghosts.
3. The parade (start) at 10 am so let’s hurry.
4. Petra (look) upset because she (lose) her lucky charm.
5. This rose (smell) nice and sweet.
6. The kids (watch) TV at the moment.
7. (you/look) forward to your birthday party next week?
8. Owen (not/see) a fireworks display before.
9. Tom is exhausted because he (work) in the garden all day.
10. Kate is tired. She (work) since morning.

1. What have you done so far for the party? – Что вы сделали к настоящему моменту для вечеринки?
2. Helen does not believe in ghosts. – Хелен не верит в привидений.
3. The parade starts at 10 am so let’s hurry. – Парад начинается в 10 утра, так что давай поспешим.
4. Petra looks upset because she has lost her lucky charm. – Петра выглядит расстроенной, потому что она потеряла свое счастливый талисман.
5. This rose smells nice and sweet. – Эта роза издает приятный и сладкий запах.
6. The kids are watching TV at the moment. – В настоящий момент дети смотрят телевизор.
7. Are you looking forward to your birthday party next week? – Ты с нетерпением ждешь дня рождения на следующей недели?
8. Owen hasn’t seen a fireworks display before. – Оуэн до настоящего момента не видел пуск фейерверков.
9. Tom is exhausted because he has been working in the garden all day. – Том сильно устал (истощен), потому что он работал в салу весь день.
10. Kate is tired. She has been working since morning. – Кейт устала. Она работает с утра.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with past/present participles formed from the words in bold.
Упражнение 3. Напишите причастие настоящего или прошедшего времени.


1. Imagine how (excite) it would be to visit the Rio Carnival.
2. It was a really (bore) party. No one liked it.
3. It’s so (annoy) when people talk on their mobile phones when they drive.
4. The party was a success. Everyone was (thrill).
5. I always feel (surprise) at how fast Christmas comes around each year.

1. Imagine how exciting it would be to visit the Rio Carnival. – Представьте, как здорово было бы посетить карнавал в Рио.
2. It was a really boring party. No one liked it. – Это было скучной вечеринкой. Она никому не понравилась.
3. It’s so annoying when people talk on their mobile phones when they drive. – Досадно, когда люди разговаривают по мобильному телефону, когда ведут машину.
4. The party was a success. Everyone was thrilled. – Вечеринка удалась. Все были в восторге.
5. I always feel surprised at how fast Christmas comes around each year. – Я всегда удивляюсь тому, как быстро наступает Рождество каждый год.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the correct relative: who, which, where, when, whose.
Упражнение 4. Вставьте who, which, where, when, whose.


1. We like festivals ___ celebrate a cultural tradition.
2. Jane, ___ lives in the flat above» is a dancer.
3. Moscow, ___ Maslenitsa is held every year, is a huge city.
4. Maria, ___ favourite food is cake, really loves birthday parties.
5. November 5th, ___ Bonfire Night takes place, is also my birthday.

1. We like festivals which celebrate a cultural tradition.
2. Jane, who lives in the flat above» is a dancer.
3. Moscow, where Maslenitsa is held every year, is a huge city.
4. Maria, whose favourite food is cake, really loves birthday parties.
5. November 5th, when Bonfire Night takes place, is also my birthday.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски правильным предлогом.


1. I am interested ___ learning about other cultures.
2. The streets were crowded ___ people.
3. I know a few people who believe ___ superstitions.
4. My sister is afraid ___ spiders.
5. We can’t wait ___ Christmas to come.

1. I am interested in learning about other cultures. – Я интересуюсь изучением других культур.
2. The streets were crowded with people. – Улицы были переполнены людьми.
3. I know a few people who believe in superstitions. – Я знаю несколько людей, которые верят в суеверия.
4. My sister is afraid of spiders. – Моя сестра боится пауков.
5. We can’t wait for Christmas to come. – Мы не можем дождаться, когда наступит Рождество.

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски правильным предлогом.

1. What a nice party!
2. Good luck!
3. That’s very bad luck!
4. I lost my keys on Friday the 13th.
5. We lost the match.
a. Thanks. I’ll need it!
b. Don’t talk rubbish!
с. Better luck next time.
d. Thanks. I’m glad you think so.
e. What a coincidence!

What a nice party! – Thanks. I’m glad you think so.
Какая замечательная вечеринка! – Спасибо. Я рад, что ты так думаешь.
Good luck! – Thanks. I’ll need it!
Удачи! – Спасибо. Она мне понадобится!
That’s very bad luck! – Don’t talk rubbish!
Это большая неудача! – Не говори ерунды!
I lost my keys on Friday the 13th. – What a coincidence!
Я потерял ключи в пятницу 13-го. – Какое совпадение!
We lost the match. – Better luck next time.
МЫ проиграли матч. – В следующий раз повезет.