Spotlight 8, Workbook, 6i

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 6i.


Exercise 1. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
Упражнение 1.Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи.


1) “I like travelling by plane,” she said.
2) “We visited Russia last winter,” they said.
3) “Take photocopies of your tickets and passports,” the travel agent said to us.
4) “Do you like French food?” he asked Mary.
5) “Don’t let anyone carry your bags,” she said to me.
6) “I can speak German,” he said.
7) “Have you ever lived abroad?” Judy asked Sam.
8) “Are you going away next week?” she asked Ron.
9) “I’ll be in Brighton next weekend,” Alice said.
10) “Where is the nearest bus stop?” he asked.
11) “I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said to me.
12) “What time does your plane arrive?” he asked her.

1) “I like travelling by plane,” she said. – “Я люблю путешествовать на самолете”, – сказала она.
She said that she liked travelling by plane. – Она сказала, что любит путешествовать на самолете.

2) “We visited Russia last winter,” they said. – “Мы посетили Россию прошлой зимой”, – сказали они.
They said that they had visited Russia the previous winter. – Они сказали, что посетили Россию прошлой зимой.

3) “Take photocopies of your tickets and passports,” the travel agent said to us. – “Сделайте фотокопии ваших билетов и паспортов”, – сказал нам турагент.
The travel agent told us to take photocopies of our tickets and passports. – Турагент сказал нам сделать фотокопии наших билетов и паспортов.

4) “Do you like French food?” he asked Mary. – “Тебе нравится французская еда?” – он спросил Мэри.
He asked Mary if / whether she liked French food. – Он спросил Мэри, нравится ли ей французская еда.

5) “Don’t let anyone carry your bags,” she said to me. – “Не позволяй никому нести твои сумки”, – она сказала мне.
She told me not to let anyone carry my bags. – Она сказала мне не позволять никому нести мои сумки.

6) “I can speak German,” he said. – “Я умею говорить по-немецки”, – сказал он.
He said that he could speak German. – Он сказал, что умеет говорить по-немецки.

7) “Have you ever lived abroad?” Judy asked Sam. – “Ты когда-нибудь жил за границей?” – Джуди спросила Сэма.
Judy asked Sam if / whether he had ever lived abroad. – Джуди спросила Сэма, жил ли он когда-нибудь за границей.

8) “Are you going away next week?” she asked Ron. – “Вы уезжаете на следующей неделе?” – она спросила Рона.
She asked Ron if / whether he was going away the week after / the following week. – Она спросила Рона, уезжает ли он на следующей неделе.

9) “I’ll be in Brighton next weekend,” Alice said. – “На следующих выходных я буду в Брайтоне”, сказала Элис.
Alice said that she would be in Brighton the following weekend. – Элис сказала, что на следующих выходных будет в Брайтоне.

10) “Where is the nearest bus stop?” he asked. – “Где ближайшая остановка?” – спросил он.
He asked where the nearest bus stop was. – Он спросил, где ближайшая остановка.

11) “I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said to me. – “Я позвоню тебе завтра”, – она сказала мне.
She told me that she would call me the next day / the following day. – Она сказал мне, что позвонит мне на следующий день.

12) “What time does your plane arrive?” he asked her. – “В какое время прибывает твой самолет?” – он спросил ее.
He asked her what time her plane arrived. – Он спросил ее, в какое время прибывает самолет.

Exercise 2. Fill in with said or told.
Упражнение 2. Вставить said или told.


1) Lucy __ she was going to Jamaica.

2) She __ me not to bring a lot of clothes.

3) Tim __ Ann he was leaving for Rome the following day.

4) He __ that his trip to Europe was the most thrilling experience he had ever had.

5) Lynn __ Helen to take some insect repellent to keep mosquitoes away.

6) Bob __ if he had time, he would visit the museum.

1) Lucy said she was going to Jamaica. – Люси сказала, что на собирается на Ямайку.

2) She told me not to bring a lot of clothes. – Она сказала мне принести много одежды.

3) Tim told Ann he was leaving for Rome the following day. – Тим сказал Анне, что уезжает в Рим на следующий день.

4) He said that his trip to Europe was the most thrilling experience he had ever had. – Он сказал, что его поездка в Европу была самым захватывающим переживанием, которое он когда-либо имел.

5) Lynn told Helen to take some insect repellent to keep mosquitoes away. – Линн сказала Хэлен взять немного репеллента для отпугивания москитов.

6) Bob said if he had time, he would visit the museum. – Боб сказал, что, если у него будет время, то он посетит музей.

Exercise 3. Write the reported questions as direct questions.
Упражнение 3. Переделайте в прямую речь.


1) She asked when they would be back.

2) He asked if she enjoyed travelling.

3) Jane asked Lucy when she was going on holiday.

4) John asked Liz if she had ever visited Disneyland.

1) She asked when they would be back. – “When will you be back?” she asked them.
Она спросила, когда они вернутся? – “Когда вы вернетесь?” – она спросила их.

2) He asked if she enjoyed travelling. – “Do you enjoy travelling?” he asked her.
Он спросил, травится ли ей путешествовать. – “Тебе нравится путешествовать?” – он спросил ее.

3) Jane asked Lucy when she was going on holiday. – “When are you going on holiday?” Jane asked Lucy.
Джейн спросила Люси, когда она едет на отдых. – “Ты когда едешь на отдых?” спросила Джейн.

4) John asked Liz if she had ever visited Disneyland. – “Have you ever visited Disneyland?” John asked Liz.
Джон спросил Лиз, посещала ли она когда-нибудь Диснейлэнд. – “Ты когда-либо посещала Диснейлэнд?” – Джон спросил Лиз.

Exercise 4. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words.
Упражнение 4. Допишите предложение, испoльзуя максимум три слова, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое предложение.


1) “We missed the last train,” David said.
David said that they __ the last train.

2) “Can I have a return ticket, please?” Sophie asked the ticket seller.
Sophie asked the ticket seller if __ a return ticket.

3) “Let’s play football,” Kyle said.
Kyle suggested __ football.

4) “I’m flying to Paris on Saturday,” she said to her friend.
She told her friend that __ to Paris on Saturday.

5) “Don’t run near the pool!” the lifeguard said to them.
The lifeguard told them __ near the pool.

6) “Why were you late coming home?” Julie asked her son.
Julie asked her son why __ late coming home.

7) “Have a valid passport with you,” the travel agent said to Kim.
The travel agent told Kim __ valid passport with her.

8) “Does this hotel have room service?” he asked the receptionist.
He asked the receptionist if __ room service.

1) “We missed the last train,” David said. – “Мы упустили последний поезд”, – сказал Дэвид.
David said that they had missed the last train. – Дэвид сказал, что они упустили последний поезд.

2) “Can I have a return ticket, please?” Sophie asked the ticket seller. – “Можно мне билет туда и обратно, пожалуйста?” – Софи спросила продавца билетов.
Sophie asked the ticket seller if she could have a return ticket. – Софи спросила продавца билетов, можно ли ей билет туда и обратно.

3) “Let’s play football,” Kyle said. – “Давай поиграем в футбол”, – сказал Кайл.
Kyle suggested playing football. – Кайл предложил поиграть в футбол.

4) “I’m flying to Paris on Saturday,” she said to her friend. – “В субботу я улетаю в Париж”, – она сказала своему другу.
She told her friend that she was flying to Paris on Saturday. – Она сказала своему другу, что улетает в Париж в субботу.

5) “Don’t run near the pool!” the lifeguard said to them. – “Не бегай возле бассейна!” – сказал им охранник.
The lifeguard told them not to run near the pool. – Охранник сказал им не бегать возле бассейна.

6) “Why were you late coming home?” Julie asked her son. – “Почему ты поздно вернулся домой?” – Джули спросила своего сына.
Julie asked her son why he had been late coming home. – Джули спросила своего сына, почему он поздно пришел домой.

7) “Have a valid passport with you,” the travel agent said to Kim. – “Имейте с собой действительный паспорт”, – турагент сказал Ким.
The travel agent told Kim to have a valid passport with her. – Турагент сказал Ким иметь с собой действительный паспорт.

8) “Does this hotel have room service?” he asked the receptionist. – “В этой гостинице есть обслуживание номеров?” – он спросил у администратора.
He asked the receptionist if the hotel had room service. – Он спросил у администратора, есть ли в этой гостинице обслуживание номеров.