Spotlight 8, Workbook, 3e

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 3e.


Exercise 1. Read the paragraphs below and put them in the correct order.
Упражнение 1. Прочитайте и расставьте параграфы в правильном порядке.


A) The lift had only gone down one floor when it made a strange noise and stopped. Tina couldn’t believe it. She started shouting for help. Suddenly, she heard a man’s voice. “Don’t worry.” he said. I’ll get help.”

B) Last Saturday morning, when Tina got out of bed she was jumping for joy. It was the first day of her holidays. She had been looking forward to her summer holiday in Hawaii all year and now she was just about to leave. So, feeling very cheerful, she quickly got dressed. “Hawaii, here I come!” she shouted as she got into the lift and pressed the button.

C) When she finally arrived at the airport, her flight had already left. All she could do was return home, feeling angry and upset. But later, as she was watching the news on TV, she got the shock of her life! Her flight to Hawaii had crashed in the the sea because of engine problems! Amazingly, none of the passengers were seriously injured, but Tina couldn’t believe how lucky she had been to miss her flight.

D) Tina had to wait a very long time before the lift repairman arrived. When she finally got out of the lift, she looked at her watch. She didn’t have much time to get to the airport. She quickly jumped in a taxi. But then she found herself stuck in a traffic jam!

Правильная последовательность абзацев: B, A, D, C.

Last Saturday morning, when Tina got out of bed she was jumping for joy. It was the first day of her holidays. She had been looking forward to her summer holiday in Hawaii all year and now she was just about to leave. So, feeling very cheerful, she quickly got dressed. “Hawaii, here I come!” she shouted as she got into the lift and pressed the button.

Утром в прошлую субботу, когда Тина встала с постели, она подпрыгнула от радости. Это был первый день ее каникул. Весь год она с нетерпением ждала своих летних каникул на Гаваях, и сейчас она была готова уезжать. Поэтому, чувствуя радость, она быстро оделась. “Гаваи, я еду к вам!” – она закричала, когда вошла в лифт и нажала кнопку.

The lift had only gone down one floor when it made a strange noise and stopped. Tina couldn’t believe it. She started shouting for help. Suddenly, she heard a man’s voice. “Don’t worry.” he said. “I’ll get help.”

Лифт опустился на один этаж, когда он издал странный звук и остановился. Тина не могла в это поверить. Она начала звать на помощь. Внезапно она услышала мужской голос. “Не волнуйтесь”, – говорил он. – “Я позову на помощь”.

Tina had to wait a very long time before the lift repairman arrived. When she finally got out of the lift, she looked at her watch. She didn’t have much time to get to the airport. She quickly jumped in a taxi. But then she found herself stuck in a traffic jam!

Тина была вынуждена прождать долгое время, пока не прибыл монтер. Когда она, наконец, выбралась из лифта, то посмотрела на часы. У нее оставалось немного времени, чтобы добраться до аэропорта. Она быстро запрыгнула в такси. Но потом она застряла в пробке!

When she finally arrived at the airport, her flight had already left. All she could do was return home, feeling angry and upset. But later, as she was watching the news on TV, she got the shock of her life! Her flight to Hawaii had crashed in the the sea because of engine problems! Amazingly, none of the passengers were seriously injured, but Tina couldn’t believe how lucky she had been to miss her flight.

Когда она, наконец, прибыла в аэропорт, ее самолет уже улетел. Все, что она смогла сделать, – это вернуться домой, злой и расстроенной. Но позже, когда она смотрела новости по телевидению, она испытала сильнейший шок в жизни! Ее самолет на Гаваи рухнул в океан из-за проблем с двигателем! Удивительно, но никто из пассажиров серьезно не пострадал, и Тина не могла поверить, насколько ей повезло с тем, что она опоздала на рейс.

Exercise 2. Choose an appropriate title for the story.
Упражнение 2. Выберите подходящий заголовок.


• An Ordinary Day

• A Lucky Day

• A Blessing in Disguise

• An Ordinary Day – обычный день

• A Lucky Day – счастливый день

• A Blessing in Disguise – не было бы счастья, да несчастье помогло; нет худа без добра

Exercise 3. Use the linkers to join the sentences.
Упражнение 3. Соедините предложения, используя связки из скобок.


1) Joan swam to the surface and shouted for help. There was no answer. (but)

2) We got home. My mum was waiting for us. (when)

3) The fire brigade arrived. They put out the fire. (and)

4) I saw her. I was coming out of the building. (as)

5) They had been looking for a flat for three months. They found one they liked. (before)

6) Bill couldn’t sleep. There was too much noise. (because of)

1) Joan swam to the surface and shouted for help but there was no answer. – Джоан всплыла на поверхность и позвала на помощь, но ответа не последовало.

2) When we got home, my mum was waiting for us. – Когда мы добрались до дома, нас ждала мама.

3) The fire brigade arrived and they put out the fire. – Приехала пожарная команда и потушила огонь.

4) I saw her as I was coming out of the building. – Я увидел ее, когда выходил из здания.

5) They had been looking for a flat for three months before they found one they liked. – Три месяца они искали квартиру, пока не нашли ту, которая им понравилась.

6) Bill couldn’t sleep because of the noise. – Билл не мог уснуть из-за шума.

Exercise 4.
Упражнение 4.

a) Look at the picture and the phrases and write the beginning of a story entitled ‘It happened to me…’
Посмотрите на картинку с фразами и напишите начало истории, озаглавив ее “Со мной случилось…”.


Spotlight 8 Workbook 3e ex4

Last week, my friend Alex and I went to the fairground. It was a nice sunny day and there were lots of people waiting to go on the rides. After we had paid for our entrance ticket, we began walking around, trying to decide which ride to go on. Finally, we decided to go on the big wheel first.

На прошлой недели я со своим другом Алексом ходил на ярмарку. Был хороший солнечный день, и было много народу в очереди на карусели. После того, как мы заплатили за входной билет, мы начали стали ходить и выбирать карусель. Наконец, мы решили сначала прокатиться на большом колесе обозрения.

b) Look at the picture and write the ending to the story.
Посмотрите на картинку с и напишите окончание истории.


Spotlight 8 Workbook 3e ex4

Fortunately, the wheel started to move again. My friend Alex and I were scared but very happy that nothing more serious had happened.

К счастью, колесо снова заработало. Мы с моим другом Алексом были очень испуганы, но счастливы, что ничего серьезного не произошло.